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I hate my emotions


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I feel like I do not have control over my emotions. I try to hide when something is bothering me but it doesnt work. im worried that taking out silly issues on my boyfriend is going to cause him to eventually get sick of it and break up with me. How can i get a grip on them? For example this past weekend, we were supposed to hang out with his friends (another couple) then the girl cancelled saying she was going out with friends so my boyfriend cancelled with me and just hung out with his friend and roomate. This just hurt my feelings, at the time i didnt say anything though. The next day we went out with a group of his friends (including the same couple) and i hear his roommates gf saying how she was with them the night before (i thought it was a boys night). the day went fine for the most part until later on around 430 i just started getting annoyed basically over nothing. this same girl just starts telling all these stories about my bf and being obnoxious and it was just bothering me. then my boyfriend put his arm around me, which was basically the first ounce of affection i had gotten all day which i guess also irriated me, so i shrugged it off and went to go talk to another girl. so he texts me saying whats your deal and then i hear the girlfriend saying that hes in the 'dog house". we went out afterwards with everyone and he was trying to ask me what the problem was but i said i didnt want to talk about it with everyone around and i shook it off for the time being. when we got home though it ended up being an argument. i mentioned how he hurt my feelings saturday by what i felt like was him blowing me off and how the girl was annoying me. he then got more mad though and said this is why he wants to be single, so i said okay ill go home then but he stops me and apologizes. everything eventually was fine and the rest of the night was good and we spent the next day together. he texted me today saying he had fun weekend with me. This isnt the first time it happened though and im not sure how to fix it.


i am just looking back at my weekend and regretting causing a fuss or getting annoyed at anything. i feel like i can get really irritable and in the moment can't control it. i am afriad this will cause him to leave me and will also make his friends think im a baby or a beastly girlfriend.


Any advice?

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Don't hang out with them or pay attention to trash talk. Communicate things clearly. Arguments happen all the time. Just be yourself and don't worry about upsetting anyone if you need to speak your mind. Just say what's up in a simple way. Avoid people who get on your nerves.

my boyfriend cancelled with me and just hung out with his friend and roomate. he was trying to tell me what the problem was but i said i didnt want to talk about it with everyone around. we got home though it ended up being an argument. this is why he wants to be single, so i said okay ill go home. he texted me today saying he had fun weekend with me.
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i also think my boyfriend might be a little dramatic too. Like one time we went to get bagels and someone cut him and he got so mad he swore and left the bagel shop. i had already ordered a sandwich so i waited for mine and ordered something for him and he said i shouldnt have bought anything. when we were arguing last weekend too i asked him to be quiet so his roommates wouldnt hear us but he says he doesnt care and just keeps on being loud

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Don't regulate your emotions and actions according to his impatience, immaturity and drama. Your emotions will level out when you are with someone mature considerate and civilized...not a loose canon like this dude. Break up and find someone even-tempered.

i also think my boyfriend might be a little dramatic too. Like one time we went to get bagels and someone cut him and he got so mad he swore and left the bagel shop. i had already ordered a sandwich so i waited for mine and ordered something for him and he said i shouldnt have bought anything. when we were arguing last weekend too i asked him to be quiet so his roommates wouldnt hear us but he says he doesnt care and just keeps on being loud
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