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Nothing feels right anymore

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To start....it all began with bailey. I met her back in 2015 and we hit it off immediately. The relationship was perfect, good enough to the point where we would have been together permanently but at 10 months..she left me. After that it went downhill..... I tried to get her back, then she hated me. We became friends and then I somehow got her to fall back for me...but we didn't get back together because of her..... from that point we stopped talking and I didn't see her until my father's funeral...and even then she just looked at me and left.....I honestly don't feel right now and it's because of together the loss of my father and I think because of her

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Was the relationship really perfect or are you idealising it.


I thought mine was perfect at one point until I looked back and remembered how I'd been chastised for not replying to a message after 15 mins and having to deal with constant neediness.


The *most* important thing for you right now isn't to do with any relationship. It's dealing with the grief from the loss of your father. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. This is the main thing you should be focusing on.

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Try to surround yourself with friends and loved ones, help each other to grieve and heal from the loss of your father. It is indeed very likely that his passing exacerbated your feelings. Sometimes one deals with one issue ok, but then something else happens and it just feels too much. It can be very difficult to accept any kind of a loss, of a partner leaving, of a parent passing, these are all forms of loss. I wish you well on your way to acceptance and healing.

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