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Im goingdown a path and i don know were it leads too

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Its been a while since i posted a forum here. well ive started school in a new college here in berwyn illinois. i moved away from chicago a while back and i never really gotten around to login on as much since ive been a bit busy. Me and my girlfriend broke up a while a go and this coming march 28 would have been our 3 year anniversary. yet we dindt make it. she is now going out with a 19 year old guy who she calims she likes. me and my ex have try to stop talking since she is with the other guy i nicely asked her to just go her on way and not to talk to me anymore but she wont listen. she calls me telling me that she misses me and telling me not to ever leave her. yet i dont get it if shes with the otehr guy why should i stick around there isnt anything for me.....atleast not with her. the weird thing is i feel like were going to edn up together again, and i hate it becuase she has put me through so many things and she even rejected me when i try hooking back up with her after the break up. i did everything i could to get another chance....yet nothing happen. all she did was push me away and it hurted so bad. i admit i cried, i felt lonely, but after a while i just dindt want to do anything. i dindt wanna go to work i dindt wanna laugh.. as if something inside of me had been missing. After she went out with this new guy i asked her if she was sure this was what she wanted and if by any chance we could get back togetehr and she sadi exactly these words" Maybe we shoulndt talk until your ready to be friends and only friends" and well it hurted me so bad how oculd three years turn into this. anyways now today she calls me asking "ME" if there still is a chance and i dont know what to do or what to say i love a whole lot still over everything she has said to me over everything she put me through.... the thing is shes still going out with this other guy and i dont know if i should beleieve anything she is saying. i dont know what to do or what to say when we talk on the phone so i just tell her to leave me alone not to ever talk to me anymore and to just live her life. but she doesnt listen. I need some advice.......im strangely still in love and stuck between the path of moving on and testing the waters or staying with what i know i once had and working off the scars.

the only problem is a little saying scares me" never leave the girl you love for the girl you like because the girl you like will leave you for the guy she loves"

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youre 18, youre in a new school, new people, experience life man! dont wait for this girl! she obviously likes this kid if shes dating him. cmon now, you cant stick to this nieve way of thinking....date other people....if you 2 are 'soooooooo meant to be' then why not make sure of it & date others & leave this chick on the back burner. if you 2 are 'meant to be' itll work out right????? all i know is what i learned from experience...& what i wanted at 18 isnt what i wanted at 19 & what i wanted at 20 isnt what i wanted at 21. we all grow & change. our experiences, wants, desires & interests in ourselves & with others with time is what morphs us into who we are & who will& want to become. you may look back at this part of your life & be like THANK GOD i didnt waste my time w/ her. i found someone so much more fitting for who i am now.


you said you started a new college....youre happier here at this NEW place arent you...it offers you more of what you want right? its better than the first school you orginally thought you wanted.....now apply this to your love life.



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Hey thanks for your advice i do kinda like this new girl named monica in my class but i dont know if she has a boyfriend so i guess you coudl say its just a crush but hey im living life little by little its just hard when she calls and tells me all these things about how she rememebrs and then it sets tha little happy mood and i dont know. we havent talked for about 3 days now but thast cuz she knows i was working but im sure that she will call somewhat this week. anyways thanks for your advice your i guess its best to move on to something more fitting.

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Yea my man. You're young, so you should experience relationships with other people. After all, your ex is doing it right? Obviously she still has feelings for you, but she also has a need to experience relationships with other guys as well. I don't really recommend being "friends." You could probably do what she's doing to you, and have her as someone to kinda date on the side, like a cushion. How long have you two been broken up for?

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