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Big problem...Lost in Love

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Me and my girlfriend have been dating for almost 6 months, we went away on the long weekend and on the Friday night, (I was really responsable on that night) she had told me that she fell in love even more with me.....the rest of the weekend we all drank pretty heavily, and after the weekend she seemed a little bit different, and said "she was just a little freaked out thats all and that she would get over it", On the friday following the long weekend she went out with her friends and on the

Saturday night we got togehter and she decided that we had to talk, she said that she did not know if she loved me and that she had some childhood issues she had to deal with......but we agreed that we would try and get through this....

On Sunday I spent the morning holding her and when I left, I told her I loved her and she said it back, when I questioned this she said she felt it, on the following thursday, I asked her how she was doing and we talked and she decided that she does not feel as she used to....and that we should end this......She says she really caresand she calls everynight to make sure i am ok... I have been trying everything to win her back......(Letter, poems etc etc actually the poems made her cry)Another big problem here is that we work together.........................I really love this girl and was never happier and really want to get her back, I have convinced into getting together over the weekend just to talk, but have already been warned that, its not going to help us get back together and I told her that I realize this and that at the very most we will leave the night as friends....HELP PLEASE....what is a good thing to say without looking to pushy......I really miss her and want her back in my life,,,,,,,,we are both in our late 20's

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Well we decided last night that we are going to spend the day at an amusement park and than go out afterwards,,,,,I also told her I have no alterier motives......should I suggest that we get ready to go out at her place after the the amusement park...

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you really loved her, but i guess you don't know your gf truly, try to asked her about her fears in life and his opinions of relationships, it seems that she would only say "i love you" to you only when she wants to or would hang-out when she wants, i know you don't wan a relationship which is like a "weather" that changes right?? talk to her and if the out come is not goodjust learn to accept it and move on...

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I had something like that happen. Where I tried to get the girl back by using letters and poems and the like. Best bet, write letters and poems, but keep them, don't give them to her. Read them over once a week. Kind of like keeping a journal. But once you feel that you are over this girl, read them again. Once you have finished reading them, give them to someone else, so that they may see a glimpse of what you went through.

We as humans learn from our mistakes. We gain experience through the mishaps we survive. You will survive this, and you will move on. You will find another person. I know right now that you don't want another person, but eventually, you will.

Hang in there.

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