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A good cry is sometimes what you need

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I started weeping thinking of the way my ex lost his mind, thinking of even the little happy memories like eating smarties watching Tales From the Dark Side. It burned, it hurt so bad the ache inside my soul. It was excruciating and the more I cried the worse it became. I lay in bed weeping for a good solid twenty minutes.


When I stopped crying the pain dissolved, the fears of abandonment were brought to light as just simply fears. The goodbye was easier to say to myself. I let go.


With the letting go came the clarity that I can now fully move forward and embrace beginnings and look forward to creating new memories with this new special guy I have.


I grieved and this grieving was harder then mourning death in a way.


In the bricks of hell my tears brought me through the darkness for twenty minutes.


I can finally breathe I see the light.


I wish you all a good cry, one that shakes your inner core.


Not just any tears

But tears of release.


Thank you for letting me share this.




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