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She's not talkin and i really don't know what to say...

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i guess i really just don't know her too much, but i'd think i'd be able to talk to her some more. the only time i can is when her friends are around and they're saying something and i'm just joining in on the conversation (she seems to hang out with her friends a lot). i've thought about going on a date. still thinking about it too.


yet still i'm just confused and have nothing to say....



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The worst thing to do is to talk while her friends are around because they'll be like all Valley girl on you "Like OMG what is HE doing here?!?!" lol. I don't know but they hate that, from what I know it's just bad. Like for example, if you ask out a girl while she's around her friends she will definitely say No (unless you come off as the sexiest guy EVER to her lol which is that little .1% out of 99.9%). And if you pull her away from her friends by asking if you can talk to her for a second, then there is that 50/50 chance instead of that 100% No chance. I guess you could pull her away for a sec, if she says No then she says No. DO NOT try to get back together with her, like buying her things and being a wuss. My friend is a wreck because he does this, and he looks like a total idiot in the process. So my advice is when she's talking ask if you can talk to her for a second, ask her out, if she says Yes go out with her on a date (try to make it casual not the movies dude even though there might not be an idea the movies suck and unless it's a weeper or something like Hitch then it's definitely going to suck, oh yeah and if it's a horror that's fine to, chick's feel like they want to hold their bf when there scared in movies so yeah lol.) If she says No, then move on, it's not like she's perfect in every way, everyone has their flaws.

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Yeah man, all you can really do is figure out if you really want to ask her out for that date. Get her alone, tell her you have something to ask her and then ask her. Its going to be scary, but its just something you have to do, and there is nothing any of us can do to make it easier for you, atleast I don't think. As for conversational tips, I've been having a lot of the same problems, but when I'm alone with the person, when it feels like your digging for anything to talk about. So I just start talking about anything now. I figure, if they don't like me because I talk about stupid things, or things that arent interesting, then I don't think it would work out anyways. Thats just how I think to make myself feel better and to make myself more outgoing, don't know if this helped, good luck.

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I've come to the conclusion that those women you actually find yourself searching for things to talk about with....bottom line...'she's not the one'. Of course - that depends on what ur looking for. If you're just looking to date, have fun, meet people - then just go with the flow. But if you're looking for that spark, chemistry, "the one"...signs are pointing in the wrong direction if the conversation struggles....


Every woman I've connected with - whether as a good/best friend or as a girlfriend....there's never really a time when the conversation dries up....but then again - everyone is different....this is just my opinion!

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