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does he like me or is it just a game?

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I have been seeing this guy for a couple of weeks and I really like him. We go out at least once a week and talk at least every other night. He always says sweet things. He tells me how much fun he has with me and says how happy he's been since we've started seeing each other. I don't know if he is sincere or if I'm just hearing what I want to. I don'r want to get hurt again but I can't give up on him. SImetimes I get the feeling that maybe he isn't as interested in me as I am in him. I have a habbit of chosing guys who like to play head gamesand can't see it because I only want to see the good in people. I don't want to hold him accountable for what other men have done to me in the past. But also I didn't wabt to make the same mistake again. What should I do. How will i know if he has feelings fir me or if this is just "hanging out" . He introduced me to two of his close friends but he intiduced me as his friend. I don't know what I should do If anybody can help please do

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Take things slow with him. I think time will tell if he really is into you, or if he's playing head games. You may want to hold off on having sex until you've been dating him for a few months and are SURE that he really does like you. But, like you said, don't hold him accountable for the errors of previous men. Good luck! I hope things work out.

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i was going through the same thing. We dated for 3 weeks we saw eachother in school every day then yesterday (2/23/05) he dumped me and i felt horrible he told me that he did like me he just found someone else. That someone else turned out to be my best friend. So he used me to get to my friends and now im soooooooooooooo upset i have started cutting again and all i wanna do is DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Take note of what he said and also refer to him as your "friend" but most importantly treat him as such.


The best thing you can do for yourself is to stay on the same page as him and since you are not bf/gf yet then you can still date other people. Get out there and don't put all your hopes on this one guy. Date others.. even if you really like this one still do it.


If he wants more of a relationship then he will bring it up, but if you become too fixated on being his gf he might start pushing you away. If he cares for you and doesn't want you to date other guys he will have to make a choice, but you shouldn't ASK it of him--it's something he has to come up with on his own.

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Oh sweetie!!! Please don't hurt yourself! High school boys (and girls too) sometimes play stupid games like that - date you so they can get to know your friend. he's not worth your tears, or your blood. Give yourself some time to "mourn" the relationship, but then move on - trust me - you will date many other, better men.

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You should have been doing this from the start but you need to look how he acts towards you, obviously you two converse frequently but that doesnt have to mean much. As of right now you know that he has introduced you as a friend, so at this point thats all you have to go on. You are going to have to make a decision that is not based on your emotions, you need to figure out if he wants a more than a friendship. Now you cannot project your feelings on him and answer this, he needs to show you that he wants this otherwise he just wants to be friends. If I were you I would find about his past and particularly see if he likes to initate of he is does not. This will tell you if he is going to make a move or not, then you can go from there.

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First of all, When he introduced to you as "friend". To me that's red flag. But guyz sometimes what to look cool infront of his guy friends. I know I am the same way. I found the guyz who play the head games or doesnt know what he wants. But meanwhile I know what i want. I would start playing his games but at him. See if he gets jealous or when you say this is my "friend" see if he talks to you when you two are alone. I think back off see if he says something

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I've been dating this one girl for a few weeks and i usually introduce her the same way by saying she is my friend, and she introduces me the same way. I wouldn't look into this too much. How would you expect him to introduce you if you two don't even know where you stand? It's much easier just to say, this is my friend so and so.... for now at least.

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