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Girl is pretty hard to read!


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Hey.. Long story as short as possible hahah.. There's a girl That works at my mums place.. I've never actually met her or anything just got her on Facebook and stuff. About a week and a half ago she added me on snapchat randomly. had a good few conversations if I'm honest! Anyway I cracked the question and We're going out for some food and to watch a movie in a couple of weeks. But when we talk sometimes we'll have a conversation and it'll be going good then she just won't reply haha! She has messaged me first tho.. I've sort of put it down in my head as she probably gets lads tying to talk to her all the time cause she is actually really pretty and seems really nice. I dunno I guess my question is she actually interested? We we're talking the other day and she was like all lads are a** holes so I'm guessing she's had bad experiences! Haven't really spoke today but I think she's been pretty busy.. Maybe just my head haha! But I dunno I guess I see potential.. And she's the only girl I've actually seen potential in in a long time. It's just weird.. I haven't yet but I sort of feel I got to do the chasing!

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Time to step up.

Here's my plan for you.

1: ring her up and ask her on a date.

2a: go be happy when she says yes and go on the date.

2b: you get rejected, dust you're self off and look for another cute girl.

This plan is about projection of confidence. If she does reject you take it maturely. You'll be surprised how offten a no changes into a yes just showing that you have no problems with rejection.

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Why don't you just ask her out and quit with the chicken's way of trying to get to know someone? If she says no to your invitation then you can stop wasting your time and superficial texting on her and put your efforts into someone else who will say yes.


I've already asked her out! We're going for food in a few weeks

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Time to step up.

Here's my plan for you.

1: ring her up and ask her on a date.

2a: go be happy when she says yes and go on the date.

2b: you get rejected, dust you're self off and look for another cute girl.

This plan is about projection of confidence. If she does reject you take it maturely. You'll be surprised how offten a no changes into a yes just showing that you have no problems with rejection.


Haha cheers rust! I already asked her we're going for some food and to watch a movie in a few weeks!

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