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Gf smokes pot, she doesn't know I know, what do I do?


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However, something about her smoking marijuana and actively smoking it, just makes me knot up inside. I feel less masculine, like I'm some straight edged beta that's too scared to try marijuana. I feel like, I need to outdo her now. I need to be more "hardcore" than she is, I need to do a harder drug to show that I'm more masculine. I feel like I need to start actively smoking cigarettes now because she smokes pot. I don't feel like I'm good enough. Pair this feeling with the fact that I have never smoked marijuana, have surrounded myself with friends who don't and have never smoked it, I don't want to be associated with someone who smokes marijuana after all these years of avoiding it. I don't feel at ease at all.


With all that has been said, I still love her, even though the thought of her smoking makes me incredibly uncomfortable. I don't want to just break up with her because she may smoke pot. I don't feel like I'll get another girl like her again, ignoring the fact that she smokes pot. What I have is a good thing.


I figure the response is going to be "just breakup with her" or "suck it up and stop caring what she does with her body". That's all fine and dandy, but is a compromise even possible in this situation? I sacrifice something if she stops smoking?


The boldfaced quote from your original posting is just nonsense. You have a legitimate argument with her deceitful omission of the truth about her interest in using pot. But to ponder using "harder" drugs than her because she has questioned your masculinity? Huge stretch! Also, weakens your objection to her drug usage.


Your best course of action is to get an explanation out of her about the pot. And to decide if it is a deal killer for you. Act accordingly.


BTW, it is nonsense that you cannot find another girlfriend of similar interest for you that doesn't smoke pot. They are out there. You do not have to weaken your stance against the drug use, nor "settle" for less than you require.

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