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Experience vs. the In-experienced...

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Hey, all, umm...I haven't really talked much about this girl...surprisingly b/c I'm like 99.9% sure she really likes me hah...but I still have a problem.


Her and I hung out a few days ago, and had a pretty good time...now she was kinda sick, but not contagious...heh, but yea, I just kinda kept her company I guess you could say and watched some movies with her. Now the problem is....I'm pretty sure I can pick up on signals that maybe she'd want to kiss or something like that.....but the problem is....I've never kissed...yea....and she's much more experienced. So how do I....how can I..god I don't even know how to ask this...what's she gonna think??? It's not really my idea to care exactly what she thinks of me, but more like....how do I let her know I'm inexperienced w/o saying that I've never been kissed? Cuz I seriously dont know...what to do if it came to that....b/c I don't know if I want to say that. Thanks all...I guess what I'm asking is what do girls think about this really...or guys that have been in this position.

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Hey there Lt,


I'm in a similar boat to yours right now. It's a scary situation! To know if it's something she really wants to do...when she wants to, (because she may want to but you still kind of have to be in the mood to at the moment also, you know?)...try and watch for changes in her behavior. For example...I can tell when my boyfriend really wants to because he has this habit of getting really quiet and not making eye contact but licking his lips a little and biting his lower lip. Look for little things like that in this girl...try and find when she is really thinking about it...and then...I guess just...go for it. I have yet to 'go for it'...because I have a lot of the same worries you mentioned...but...well at some point we gotta give, right? lol....Let me know how it goes. Maybe I'll be encouraged if it works out well enough for you, heh.


Take Care.

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