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Hey guys & gurls,


Okay, For the past week I have been getting to school for 7:55 and school starts officially at 9:00 am. I arrive there early to do some work, and prepare for the upcoming day ect ...


Anyway when I get home at 4:00pm I'm shattered. I sleep for about 3 hours and then I'm wide awake for the rest of the night. I am a deep sleeper. The thing is I'm not very good at getting to sleep.


I don't want to resort to taking medication to help me sleep. I'm not sure what to do?? Most of my life I have trouble sleeping I wake up early hours of the morning, I have nightmares and I wake up to afraid to sleep again.


Do you think it would have anything to do with stress? I stress easily although I have been chilled quite a bit lately (want it to stay that way because people notice that I'm anxious)


Don't what to do???? Music encourages me to dance, reading bores me and I can't be bothered to turn off the tv when I am actually tired. (Thats just me being lazy)


I'd appreciate any help!


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whats insomnia? Is it bad?


I'll have ago with the sleeping cycle thing. The on;y thing bringing me down that im working on is my personality and looks. This gurl who's 'sort of' like a friend thinks I should be a boy because I like football and action films with violence in.


I hate the way I look as well she's so much more prittier than me as well. I hate school! not long ot go now then Im out and in to the college.



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well....insomnia is a sleep disorder not allowing you to sleep no matter how tired you are. it eventually takes a toll on your body & can be quite serious. id talk to a doctor.


& as for your friend who cares what he/she thinks...ive been told i should be a guy too b/c i like cartoons, comic books, cars, i burp like a mad man & i like beer. youre personality is unique & it should stay that way. youd be surprised how many guys love & appreicate a girl that can relate to them & their likes. screw what everyone else says. and no matter if your a guy or a girl, theres always someone who you think is prettier than you. thats just life & we need to stop being so overly critical of ourselves.


do your research on colleges, finding the right college can beough. dont let it stress you out right now. a lot of people take a year or years off before realizing what they want to do for the rest of their lives. middle aged people still dont know what they want to do sometimes. dont work yourself up over it. just find something you enjoy doing, like dancing, drawing, hands on stuff, math etc...& find schools that have a great opportunity for you to expand w/ that. even if you go to a liberal arts school for your first year, itll give you a taste of all kinds of studies & allows you to obtain transferable credits if you wish to transfer to a specific school designed for your wants & needs.



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Don't talk to her anymore. Sometimes you can't really avoid her. She is in some of my classes and I'm not allowed to change seats because of the teachers seating plan.


I try not to get in to a conversation with her but she talks to you and sometimes she is actually caring. (I say sometimes)


I was in gym yesterday and I was proper exited because the tv was on and saying A r s e n a l was having a match tonight and I was mega chuffed. I started smiling and laughing ect ... afterwoods she said "That gym instructor wondered why I was friends with you because we are so different, he said I'm nice and quiet and you roudy and noisy."


Then I got hurt by it and she noticed then said she made it all up. I don't even know if she did make it up or not


I will visit my doctor when I can and see what they suggest. I'll have a look at the programme as well when it's on.


Thanks for the advice

Miya xx

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yeah I hate them as well. She has her days when she can be nice as pie. But if she is nice I keep thinking there is a reason 4 it. Like she wants something.


I did the test that was on the link. It wasn't good. I'll see a doctor. It's not getting any better. I have a lot of stuff on my mind. Is it okay if I PM you Sheyda?


Or can you PM me just so I know it's okay 4 me to PM you?

wow I chat to much



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