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My mind of mine

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What does it mean when you think about someone alot.. can it be they mean alot to you?


Ok right i also have this problem. I'm really close with this person but ehy are strongly voting for suicide option because they feel like they have no one...eventhough im trying my best to help i just get pushed away... or it feels like it.

he's going to do something stupid soon and he says he's looking forawrd to dying.. i just dont no wat to do..


I REALLY HAVE to help i really cant sit back and watch someone i love go and die!!! why has life got to play these games !!!


i really need some help in what i can do... i dont no wat ill do if something happens


*when life beats you down, stand back up. take the strain and you'll be strong, stronger than them all that quit*

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sorry i havent replied in a wile.. been busy.

well it's weird because today when my bf came online.. i was just like.. said hi and the convo lasted 2 minutes... but then when toggle came on i was like happy inside and like rushed to talk to him i dunno wats come over me really.. it seems like i have more contact with toggle than i do with my bf.. although yes i see my bf more and stuff its just like we talk on msn more, talk on the phone and txt and stuff.. where as i dont get phone calls anymore from my bf

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