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How soon is too soon?


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How soon can a person know that they may be pregnant? I am kinda freaking out about the fact that I may be but then again, a lot of things are going against me for that matter... things such as I am on the pill and have been for over 6 months, we were using a condom but during sex it slipped off... but I'm not sure if it saved us in this matter. It's only been about a week since this happened but I was wondering if you could have signs as early as this -- breast tenderness, belly aching, etc. Thank you.

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The pill is 99% effective when taken properly. You probably are okay, but there still is that 1% chance. I'm not exactly sure how soon is too soon to tell, but I wouldn't worry about it just yet. I would wait until you take the sugar pills. If your period doesn't come, then you should try a home pregnancy test.

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