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When Going Out How do You dress

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Just curious... I like to look @ people's sense of fashion and such in public. It's very intresting and motivating sometimes.

Fashion can let us all express ourselves without words... unless your a fake!!!! (hahaha)


So anyways when you go out what do you wear?


as for me I stick to a striped polo with a knitty under it and some blue jeans. Gotta have the ballcap as well. The hat is the most important too me. It really sets off the rest of the outfit if chosen properly. As for shoes I usually lug around in some roll-top timberlands they are so comfy.


Anyways I'm pretty obsessed with clothes but it's always fun to be able to choose from any color of shirt you want.... but atleast it's a healthy obsession to have.

i'll stop the endless rambling now!



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I always just dress the same as all my buddies dress. Blue jeans, sweater or shirt or t-shirt or jacket, maybe a hat, skate shoes. We all basically dress in whatever is in style.


Some people may disagree, but I don't choose to express myself with clothing. In my opinion, it's not a strong way of expressing yourself, no matter how outragous you dress. I express myself with my music, and my words, and my personality.


Good topic!

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i agree that your clothes are not the primary way of expressing oneself. however, i do see a correlation between how you dress and your personality. i think its more unconscious than we think. for me, when i go out, ofcourse it depends where im going and as a girl theres a lot more variety. if i had a choice, i would wear skirts ALL THE TIME lol because my legs are the one amazing part of my body lol. but since i cant, i really prefer black dress pants more than anything else. and a sweater or shirt...sometimes just a sweatshirt and jeans....its really a variety. but theres still a general style that somewhat displays my persona.

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i usually stick to black pants and a black tank top with a sweater or jacket of some sort over top of it in the winter, my red and white converse shoes, and a black skirt/ black (or red, posibly dark green) tank top/t-shirt in the summer, with my black sandals or (for the bar) my hooker boots. i know, it's a lot of black.. but colors are too bright, they make me look dead. besides, black can be classy! i don't like following all the latest trends, they come and go way too fast, and most of them suck. i'd be all over it if corsets were to come back in though. those are hot if only my seamstress would hurry up and finish the ones i ordered...

oh wow... look, i babbled. sorry!

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I concur with what Gilda Radner said about clothing....


"My fashion sense consists of what doesn't itch."


Thats why I hate sweaters.. I recall I bought one, extremely cool looking and very warm (wool). So? I had to return it - it itched enormously


People in relationships can "afford" to wear anything... how about those who are very single? They have to care what they wear, especially guys...

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Lets see a plain dark color (usually black or dark blue) t-shirt and either baggy jeans or shorts and shoes. I know it may sound boring, but anything more than that starts to cost me a lot of money (I am very tall so clothes aren't cheap for me). Plus I am not into fashion and I hate shopping as well.

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Jeans ,running shoes (sneakers,trainers) and T shirts. Never goes out of style.I dont care about trends or showing off., I just wear what i like and what feels comfortable to me.Tthe older I get the less money I spend on clothes.


Jeans are fine. running shoes and T shirt on the first date?


And she is always find with what you wear??

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Lets see a plain dark color (usually black or dark blue) t-shirt and either baggy jeans or shorts and shoes. I know it may sound boring, but anything more than that starts to cost me a lot of money (I am very tall so clothes aren't cheap for me). Plus I am not into fashion and I hate shopping as well.


Would you go on the first date in this set of clothes too?

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Jeans ,running shoes (sneakers,trainers) and T shirts. Never goes out of style.I dont care about trends or showing off., I just wear what i like and what feels comfortable to me.Tthe older I get the less money I spend on clothes.


Jeans are fine. running shoes and T shirt on the first date?


And she is always find with what you wear??


As long as colours dont clash, thats fine. Those kinds of clothes are actually really good, I reckon (as long as you dont tuck your shirt in or wear your jeans up to your bellybutton or something.) They're nice and casual. =) As long as they look new and dont have like, sweat patches, stains and holes everywhere... lol.

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Clothes are very important, but it all depends on the "clothing culture" around you.


For example, in the uk people who wear a lot of trainers (sneakers, whatever) are considered by some to be wannabe sports people, and just look silly. Then there are the guys who tuck their training trousers into their socks...no idea what that is about but it has a similar effect. Each to his/her own though...


As a general rule you should dress well enough to be noticed a bit, but not so well that you look like a fool.

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