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How do I let this girl down the right way...?


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I didn't really go into details but after 4 days I had a gut feeling she wasn't the best fit for me. Could it have changed if we got to know each other more? Maybe.... but after a few red flags and the speed it all moved I got a little freaked out. I don't want to be responsible for hurting her more down the line. I think it also has a lot to do with the point in life I am right now. I spent all of College +2 years after in a relationship and for once I am beginning to feel okay on my own. I think I connected with her because there was an immediate feeling of comfort for both parties and the felt familiar from past relationships... the connection wasn't necessarily based on mutual interest or who we are as people but ideals. This time around I don't want to date someone for comfort... I want to find it completely on my own. I feel like their is a lot of learning left to do and fear jumping into a relationship with the first person I date just because she's pretty and we had a good weekend. I have exploring left to do... I think the 'connection' we had so quickly showed a little immaturity on both our parts. Me not knowing how to date without getting a little overzealous... and her possibly being ready to jump on the first decent looking guy that treats her nice /has a good family.


Wow! Way to be. Good luck.

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"I had a wonderful time with you, thank you. But that was way to much too soon and I'm not feeling that a serious relationship for us is the right thing for me."


You both made choices to allow it to go how it did, and you'll both learn from it.


This gets my vote. To the point, and empathetic.


Did it again, post then read thread


Happy things worked out.

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