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Hi everyone,


I'm back here with an update of my life.


Nope I did not get back with my ex. I went through the pain and learnt the lessons. I worked on myself and found someone who's an even better match.


It hasn't been easy going though the pain and growth. It almost felt like I would never be happy again, like I would never find love again. But that's not true. I started to feel better, started to let go, started to enjoy being myself. And as a bonus, this renewed and better me attracted someone better as well.


Looking back, holding on to my ex was almost like drawing a circle on the floor with chalk and trapping myself inside. Now I've walked out of the circle and am enjoying the freedom. And the truth is, there are others out there who will make your heart skip a beat again.


I've always told myself that I will update when I have a success story, so here I am. Success isn't defined as getting back with your ex, but finding happiness. In my case, I found it again with someone else and I'm excited about it.


I want to encourage everyone who is hurting to not limit yourself to a particular person or outcome. As in my case, I could have missed out on this happiness if I did not let go of my ex.


I hope everyone finds happiness within themselves, and is able to share it with someone who's willing to reciprocate.



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