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My ex asked to call what do i do


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In need of urgent advice. If youve read my past few threads you will know that my ex and i had a very rocky breakup plus some extra mind games from him. He was really horrible to me yesterday so i started no contact. Its only been a day and he just asked to call me. Im in disbelief but im still hurting and i dont want to hear anything i wont like. What do i do???

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I would ignore the calls especially since he has been playing games w/you. My ex wanted to talk to me a couple days after the break up (I broke up because I could no longer have him taking me for granted, I reached the end of the road). While we talked he made tons of empty promises, professing his love to me etc. Other then trying to get my stuff back I did not talk to him and have ignored everything he sent.

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Ignore. My ex asks every other day if she can call and every other day it's the same old conversations like we're best buds or something which is annoying ..nothing pertaining to our relationship that ended 9 months ago, she basically made me become a listening ear while dodging relationship talk. So please ignore the call and save yourself from the mind games.

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