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Alright i will try to keep this short, i asked a girl to a dance about a month ago, we went and had a blast, and a few days afterwards she started to act very strange and avoiding me. I found it was becuase she didnt really like me and she felt bad for leading me on (she really acted like she did like me fooled me and a bunch of others) and she started kinda goin out with this other guy. Then about two weeks ago they broke up. Me and her talked on AIM alot, hours at a time and i had a feeling she liked me with the things she was saying, how she wanted to go to places and wanted me to go with her, ect... then saturday before valentines day she asked me to ask her out on monday, of course i was happy becuase i still did like her, then sunday she told me she needed more time, but asked to be my valentine. Then valentines day she said she didnt want to go out with me but she wanted to go out with this guy she really liked since 7th grade (shes a freshman now).


Basically i know she likes the other guy for a fact, not sure if he likes her or not but my question is i guess if that guy doesnt like her or they end up breaking up if it would be worth tryin to go out with this girl, because i kinda think she does like me a little bit just likes the other guy more...


and if it isnt worth goin for her then any tips how to get over her? we are sitll really good friends and i like her alot and no matter how hard i try its hard to keep her off my mind

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