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boyfriend gone on holidays


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My boyfriend has gone overseas for 3 weeks on a trip that was organised before he met me. We've been together for around five-sixish months. I have been supportive and excited for him to go but deep down I am also worried that this could be maybe the end of our relationship.


We have a great relationship. Very supportive of eachother and we always have so much fun and are extremely happy together but there is still a concern that this could change that.


I can be quite insecure with feelings. I fell crazy in love with this guy like I have never been before and I have never found someone so compatable and suitable for me. I really think he is the one, whether we were to last or not. Sometimes I worry that maybe we wont last and he would be that one guy I would never forget. He hasn't given me any reason or indication to think that but I guess because I dont hear the things that would make me more secure I worry as I dont really know what he feels. But I know I cant expect constant reassurance because of my past insecuirites so I try to let that go.


It's just especially hard atm because he is gone for a few weeks as usually it wouldnt affect me so much as I'd be able to see him or talk to him regularly.


My concerns are... he will lose feelings for me as we wont be seeing/talking to eachother, he may meet someone else or start to develop feelings for someone else, he won't really miss me at all, or that things will change when he comes back.


If he does talk to me while he is away I'm going to always be happy and positive, so that he knows I am supportive and doesnt need to worry about me at all. But I just need some advice on how to handle it all in my own time.


I kinda want to prepare myself for the worst but I know thats only due to insecurities. I'm a massive overthinker which doesnt help.


Anyone had any similiar situations? How did you get through it? Should I be worried?

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His trip being planned prior to your relationship is what you should focus on. Has he ever given you any reason to doubt him? Are you able to speak with him daily during trip? You should use this time to keep busy and to do your own thing. And if this causes the end of your relationship, it couldn't have been that great to begin with.

Being over clingy is a turn off for anyone.

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I think you need to spend that three weeks working on yourself and these insecurities. Is this relationship so important because you don't have enough going on otherwise? If so, make it a point to use these three weeks to start some hobbies, meeting new people, etc. He can't be the focus of your world, and that's what it sounds like right now.

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I think you need to spend that three weeks working on yourself and these insecurities. Is this relationship so important because you don't have enough going on otherwise? If so, make it a point to use these three weeks to start some hobbies, meeting new people, etc. He can't be the focus of your world, and that's what it sounds like right now.


Totally agree. People with their own lives and interests are happy to get some alone time no matter how much they love someone.


It doesn't matter if he planned the trip last week. People need some solo time, and to have their own experiences in order to bring something fresh back to a relationship. An annual solo vacation, or with friends excluding one's significant other, is a good part of a healthy relationship.

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