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Help me stop falling for somebody, please?


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Why shouldn't you be in love with them?

And how long have they been your best friend?



10 years, he's in a failing relationship and is venting to me about everything they're going through. I'm scared to loose him as a friend by dating though he's asked me before. I've been fighting these feelings for a while now but it's bad.

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You will most likely lose him as a friend.


I was in a failing relationship and had a romantic relationship for one year with my BFF.


It is important to know that friendship, as close as it may be, does not have all the pitfalls that a romantic relationship has. You are with that person MUCH more and the emotions that come along with it.


Also, being in a failing relationship will complicate things more. If you truly believe and want this to work, let him EXIT his failing relationship, take significant time to lick some wounds, and then maybe... MAYBE you two can begin dating and take things slow.


Just be cautious.

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You will most likely lose him as a friend.


I was in a failing relationship and had a romantic relationship for one year with my BFF.


It is important to know that friendship, as close as it may be, does not have all the pitfalls that a romantic relationship has. You are with that person MUCH more and the emotions that come along with it.


Also, being in a failing relationship will complicate things more. If you truly believe and want this to work, let him EXIT his failing relationship, take significant time to lick some wounds, and then maybe... MAYBE you two can begin dating and take things slow.


Just be cautious.


That's so true! Every time he's asked me I always tell him I couldn't deal with his douchie sarcastic ways. He has no filter, he'll say ANYTHING and there were times I was offended FOR his gf over crap he's said while we were out.


He's convinced I'm wrong cause we spent 4 years of college together without issue, and I call him out on his bull where she doesn't and bottles up to explode later. But I also said I didn't think much of our friendship back then and didn't even expect to even know him anymore a year from then. He won't let me live that down as we're super close so many years later.


I can't loose him and I'm trying to convince him to stay with the girl cause she's nice and I know she loves him. If they're together my feelings won't matter because I'd never disrespect their relationship. I just wonder if this is how he's been feeling this entire time about me, and if this is why he keeps me so close even during times I have a bf.


I tell him I love him from time to time and he's so quick to tell me he loves me too. I just wonder if he was coming from the same place I am now.

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Create boundaries and keep them as a friend.


If I could go back, I wish I had done the same.


When you are friends, and have confided in each other, you know what buttons to push (more than if you had begun dating a stranger) and that can kick arguments up quite a notch or issues in the relationship when you know, more than anyone else, how the other person ticks.


It seems like an ideal, romantic, and perfect situation... But it ends up having more than its share of complications that don't exist in other relationships.

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