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Well, they are unhealthy, whether you inhalate or not. Cigars are made of really strong tobacco, and even if you 'keep the smoke in your mouth' rather than in the lungs, they are dangerous for your throat. On the long term of course. Just don't make a habit of it!



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Yes smoking cigars are bad for you for obvious reasons. However its a judgement call, the best thing is that you are informed about what you are doing to your body. After you see what can happen its best that you dont have the "this cant happen to me" attitude instead accept responsibility for what you are doing.

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You need to realise how bad it is for your health, even if you are only smoking them occasionally, and then make the decision to stop before you become addicted. I think that at the moment any long term damage to your body will be minute but if you make a habit of it then you risk contracting many of the diseases outlined in the links that maggie gave.

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I got this information straight off of the American Cancer Society website. These are just different parts of the article:


Many people perceive cigar smoking as being more 'civilized' and less dangerous than cigarette smoking. Yet a single large cigar can contain as much tobacco as an entire pack of cigarettes. The secondhand smoke it gives off and that others breathe in can fill a room for hours.


While the reasons people smoke cigars are varied, the fact is, like cigarettes, cigars can become addictive. Nicotine is the substance in tobacco that causes addiction. Most cigars have as much nicotine as several cigarettes. When cigar smokers inhale, nicotine is absorbed as rapidly as it is with cigarettes. For those who do not inhale, it is absorbed more slowly through the lining of the mouth. People who use smokeless tobacco absorb nicotine the same way. Both inhaled and non-inhaled nicotine are highly addictive.


There is a mounting body of evidence indicating that cigar smoking can lead to a number of serious health problems. The current rates of cigar smoking, especially among young people, underline the need to have a comprehensive national policy to deal with this growing public health dilemma.

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