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What should I do


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If you talk to a guy and then you notice that he wanted something from your other than a relationship. You give in and then he says that he like still wants to be friends. That he likes you and then you go to work and you don't talk. He says hi and you don't sa nothing. So he gets mad and text you saying you ignored him. Does he like you or should you leave him slone. Well me. His a nice guy but maybe I should stay to myself.

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I take it the something was sex? And you didn't want to just be a bang buddy, so you basically said later dude? In that case you did the right thing. He was trying to play nice to make sure he could continue to get whatever it is he got from you. When you refused to acknowledge him he got mad, not because he likes you--he'd have been butt hurt, not angry in that case--but because he knows he can't get whatever it he wanted you for in the first place anymore.


If you two don't want the same thing then continue to ignore him. And romances or relationships with a coworker of any sort? Always just a really bad idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree. Continue to ignore him if he is not offering more than what you want. It is a bad idea to have a romance with someone you work with. My ex and I when things first started we were both looking just to have a good time and then it led into a relationship. But we were both on the same page and we worked together. That is problems in and of itself. There was jealous at work between both us and there were girls who thought he was cute and would make comments that he was the perfect guy etc.

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