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When should i give her the "first kiss"? =]

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I just started going out w/ this girl for about a month and she happened to be over and watching a movie and it was a chick flick of course and the two people in the movie started kissing. I looked at her and asked her if she'd ever kissed anyone before and she said no and I said the same. Then that night I said for Valentine's Day we should kiss and she was totally pumped up about it and it was awkward in the beginning but now she's all over me lol. Hugging and kissing every moment!!! Don't rush cause I took my time but it all depends on the girl and how she feels about, never do anything if she's uncomfortable with it. RESPECT HER AND HER FEELINGS!!! Kinda joke about it sometime and then ask her or something around those lines. Good Luck!


- Josh0751

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