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I am a 26 yrs old man but there is absolutely nothing for which I can love myself. I have learned that everybody has some quality in him/her self. But I could not find any in myself. Even if I have anything, that is not of much to talk about. I am physically not much strong and always suffering from some kind of physical problems…sometimes from cough & cold, sometimes from anal fissure, sometimes from flatulence. I am also not very energetic. As far as quality is concerned, I have nothing much to talk about. I cannot play musical instruments, neither I am a good singer, I am not good in sports, I was a always an average student in my school and college, I don't have any artistic skill, I can swim but not a good swimmer. Even I don't know what exactly my hobby is and which career choice is best choice for me. Whenever I try to make a choice, everybody says that I am wrong and don't know anything. Finally either I succumb to their pressure or end up doing nothing.


All these reasons have made me psychologically weak. Neither I have courage to decide anything by myself, nor even I can be outspoken, open and frank.


Due to all these reasons, I am always scared of socialisation as I have nothing to talk about. Even the job I am doing is a low profile one. That is a reason I don't have friends with whom I can share my feelings. From my childhood whenever I tried to socialise, I was always made a matter of fun. That is why I gradually started to refrain from society and being a lonely unsocial has become a habit for me.


I am nothing but a liability for both my parents, the society, the world. A liability like me is a burden on the earth. It is meaningless for me to live like a parasite and liability. I am not fittest for survival. A number of times I think of committing suicide. I am also trying to finish myself by consuming too much tobacco and alcohol.


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dude, look, your not meaningless to anyone or the earth itself in that matter. Your not a burden. You think you have no talents, skills, or any good attributes about you. But the way you wrote that reply, you could be a journalist, you were precise in giving your problem to us to try and help you through it. Some people go through life and it takes them awhile to find their hobby, interests, or talents and skills. You maybe haven't found that hidden special something inside you yet..but it will come...i promise you. Everyone has a reason to be here, alive, you weren't meant for nothing..you are here because it was intened to be that way. Just try harder to achieve what it is you want in life, strive for it, and soon your skills and talents will be revealed to you..everyone has to believe in themselves if they want to get somewhere in life you know? be enthusiastic about yourself, and whatever anyone else says about you...ignore it...what do they know about you..nothing.

You will accomplish more if you believe you are meant for success and that nothing can stop you..not even a foolish idea such as taking your life would be worth wasting what you can become. I believe in you..now all you need is to believe in yourself.


P.S.- Step forward and make a wise choice.

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Hey captain_nemo. Why r u underestimating urself so much???? Nobody in this world is good at anything except a few of them.... Everybody can't become and Einstein or Mozart etc.. we have to accept that fact first. There will certainly be some qualities in us which we have to develop and nurture to make it shine. I understand that being in India, there is very little scope for outlet of other talents except academics and sports. But u will definitely be good in something and i can bet on it!!!!!!!

Try to look up rather than down... say to urself, i can and must do something in this world. try to achieve that and u will be happy. I suggest u draw up some small goals first. like some milestone at ur office to make ur boss happy... work extra for a week... u may like it and also get cheers from ur boss etc.. do something to keep away from bad thoughts and u will love urself again!!!!!!!


Good Luck

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You're not unique mate. Every single person on this earth has issues within themselves. No one is perfect, no one's life is perfect.


Instead of killing yourself and betraying the millions of people that have to die through no choice of their own every day, why don't you make this the first day of the rest of your life - no, the first day of the best of your life.


You are not those things you described, you have simply shown that you are not happy where you are in life right now.


Whats the first thing to do? Believe you can change. You don't have to be super good looking, super popular, super rich etc to be happy in life. If that were the case then I don't think the human race would have survived very long!


What you do have to do is switch your way of thinking. You can have all the happiness you want in life, but you won't have it if you carry on acting the way you are and believing the things you think are true!


Tell yourself now that you are lucky to be who you are. You are lucky that you had the courage to find this site, to post your plee, to find us who will give you a headstart on your journey to the life you want.


You think you dopn't have anything to be happy about? Well, why not start with the little things? The things we all take for granted. Can you be happy about the fact you can wake up and see the sunrise every day? That you have a roof over your head and parents that care about you, that you can walk outside and have the freedom to go where you please etc etc.


You change the way you feel, because you owe it to those people who will never be able to experience life the way we know it. Would you still be feeling sorry for yourself if you were magicked off to Africa to see thousands of poor, starving, disease ridden people with no chance of living a healthy normal life? What about if you then got whisked off to a childrens hospital to see kids with cancer who will never grow up to experience life as an adult?


We have a responsibility to live our lives to the full, and you have that choice. You can choose to begin to build the life you want, or to carry onn the way you are and feeling the way you do - there it is.


If things aren't going your way then change what you're doing! What have you got to lose?? The game has just begun and its not too late. Make it your time and your turn.


Consider these two truths: First, you've got what it takes, and you're worth the effort it will take to find that truth and build a strategy for your life. Secondly, nobody is going to do it for you.


I would say definatly get councelling, I found it a wonderful help and nothing like the stereotype image it is given, so please see your doctor and ask him to refer you.


Also, the way I started to change my life and my self beliefs was by reading some excellent books and I strongly urge you to do the same, please. try to get as many as you can from this list:


Awaken the Giant within - by Anthony Robbins

Unlimited Power - by Anthony Robbins

End the struggle and dance with life - by Susan Jeffers

Life Strategies - Stop making excuses! - by Dr Phillip C McGraw

Feel the fear and do it anyway - by Susan Jeffers

How high can you bounce? - by Roger Crawford


Start reading and applying and start living - you can do it and there are plenty of people to help you.


All the best!

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  • 3 months later...

i am 13 living with my mom i all ways get in there way i have no tallents wat so ever i lost all amothisions at age 7 i cant spell for shit i have no courge i make my mom cry every week cus i am buging my sis cus she made fun of me for 4 years strate starting at age 4 so did my big bro kids at scool dont like me they pick on me they kick me i hve rested the erge 2 commet suersie for 7 years ..... i dont do so good at conversations i have dumped by my girl freand (2 years a part) girl freand i am so despret in commiting surside i steel beer and weed from my family 2 just keep from commiting surside i just want to commit suride i here i will go on a better plase i just want to fade out i cant do good at sports home work cant do good eder see i cant spell i just want some 1 to know cus i never had any freand in my life ad lest ill be gone ... GOOD BY WORLD I HATE U ALL!!!!

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