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Red or Yellow....?


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Hey, I don't really know where to put this....its just V-day and everyone knows. I know the difference between the colors of roses, but I still would like just a little more advice on whether a girl would take it into huge consideration on what color I give her.


There is just this friend, who I'd have to say I have fun talking to....but most of the time since I don't live on campus, we talk on AIM...I've given it thought to date her, but I haven't really made any moves of my own....yea I know...I should, but I'm just really really busy. Anyways, her and I were talking on aim today and she mentioned V-day and not having anyone(and neither do I) to share it with, but then she was like "I want a rose"..or something like that. So I was just messing with her saying she could get one sent to herself lol, just so she could have one...and personally I've heard a lot of girls do this. She replied saying that I should get her one...now I know its a little late in the day...but I thought of getting her one tom. and just putting a little note on it like "I know its late, but like you said, every girl should get a rose..Happy day after V-day!"...I just don't know what color......will she really care?...I don't honestly know how deep girls take this into mind.


Thanks all

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Yea annie, that's what I mean, the different colors are supposed to represent different types of feelings or something like that. Red rose I had known as really like, and yellow meaning friendship. Like I said, if I gave her like a red one, would she probably think that I really like her? or not really care what color b/c its just a rose is a rose?....at least what would most of you girls think.....

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It depends. A few years ago, my male friend gave me a red rose on V-day, but he bought like, 1 dozen red roses, and gave them out to lots of his female friends in the dorms just to be nice. So, I think it depends on the circumstances.


I think it's really in the presentation - how you give her the rose. Either way, I think it's a really nice gesture on your part.

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Yea I'm not buying a dozen lol....just one..for her, cuz she seemed to want one and didn't get one....


But I see what you mean, he was giving out a bunch...that's different circumstances.....He was just being friendly unless he 'happened' to give you two or something along those lines....I don't know how my giving one might come accross as....

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Actually it really complicated...hah..umm...when I first met her, I really didn't have any interest in her like that. Then as I slowly realized she ...yes she was probably 'falling' for me b/c all my friends that live on campus and know her were like 'dude, she's crazy for you or something' ...cuz she was always asking about me, and info on me....


Honestly that kind of scared me at first...b/c I didn't really know if I felt the same way....but I think I've decided to just see how it goes with her. But..I'm goin to bed....we'll see what happens tomorrow...If I can still get a rose....I'll probably drop by and give her one(red)....thanks annie.

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Everyone gives roses, be original and find another flower. I don't really know what is suppose to symbolize what, but if you do a little research I'm sure you could find something that fits the situation. Plus you can get credit for being original and considerate, putting more that into then "i guess I'll buy a rose cause that's what you're suppose to do." Creativity is cool.

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Hmm...good advice Shy...but I am being a little different in the way I'm doing it. I have my own original way..I just didn't know if the color of the rose would really be that big of a deal to her. It's not what I'm supposed to do...that's part of the creativity that I have in mind in giving it to her.


Anyways...I didn't get to give one to her. Can you believe there's not ONE frickin flower shops or florist near our campus???? I didn't have time to buy one in the morning b/c I thought I could find like a florist on campus or near, but I couldn't.....so now I'm gonna have to do it tomorrow...cuz I have to work tonite and can't get one to her today. Hmm....I don't know if this is gonna work now or not....

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It's the thought that counts. Even if the rose is a few days late, I think she'll still think it's a sweet gesture. I guess everyone gives roses, and it's not that original, but it's because it's "tried and true." It works. I love getting flowers. You don't always have to be original.

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yeah but when you have been with someone for a long time like 1-2-3 years if you get rose all the time she is always going to be happy but sometime they well be more happy if you something different


Dose it al ways have to be big some times it can be small


Small is great too...diamonds are wonderful!

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yeah but when you have been with someone for a long time like 1-2-3 years if you get rose all the time she is always going to be happy but sometime they well be more happy if you something different


Dose it al ways have to be big some times it can be small


Small is great too...diamonds are wonderful!


YEah small is good if it comes form the heart

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Hmm...well thanks all, I got a red one...and still ran into some problems. One being I tried to surprise her, and then she wasnt at her room when I got there....so I couldn't just hold onto it, so I left a note on the rose and found a way to keep it like 'on' her door so she would see it when she got there. I'm still actually waiting tho....


See I was busy that day, but I called a friend later on...and like a few minutes into talking...(this is like ...4 hours after I left the rose there with my note)....he was like, you gave (name) a rose? didnt you?? I was kinda surprised, didn't know how he knew already. He just said she had told him like earlier that day ..I'm guessing like right after it happened. He didn't say what else she said tho...so I dont know what's going thru her mind about it. I was just doing it for fun really....just a thing between us that I thought would completely surprise her. Still haven't talked to her tho....waiting to see what she really thinks....

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