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Ex sent me a breadcrumb after 4 months of NC


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My ex fiancee sent me a message today. It was just a mesg with a video about love finding it's way. I haven't spoke to her for about 4 months straight since we broke up. She dumped me. I truly believe she had gigs. Ofcourse I beg and plead to her and did everything to want her back but no success instead I got a really mean mesgs from her telling to stay away from her life which I did after a month of chasing. Now, out of the blue a random text from her pop out in my phone. I even check the number to make sure it's her and yeap it is really her.



Last time before I completely gave up I told her to never ever bother me unless she wants me back and she said she will not pop out in her life again unless she wanna get back together. We're NC for about 4 months it was hard. Hardest months of my life but got better. Now I am dating someone from my work place. My question is. Should I respond to my ex? Or just ignore it unless she will give me a call?


I am now left confused.

PS - We wer engaged for 2 years.

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HELL NO, she is making you a fall guy........her new thing didn't work out so she goes back to fall guy, knowing that you will sweep her off her feet at moments notice.


DO NOT be the fall guy.


I would also recommend you NOT date at work, or if you are too invested already find a new job ASAP. Dating at work = not smart/good. You put your job/career on the line and open your private life to EVERYONE you work with. Not recommended.

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If this were a first breakup I'd say call her and see what's up. The fact that you imply this has happened before though? Nope, take a pass and block and delete her if you're at all wise or you're going to be back on here again within the next year sometime saying she did it again.


Once someone breaks up with you twice you need to call it done after the second time, because after that the pattern is established. They know they can walk away from you at any time to pursue other people and you'll be waiting for them then come running back the moment they need an ego boost or that possible thing over there doesn't work out or their current flame is mean to them or just because they think it's funny to watch you leap and bow and scrape.


It's done. You go back now she will do it again, besides it is indeed just a crumb. An enigmatic video to make you think of her but NOT an "I made a mistake, I'm in counseling to find out why I keep doing this, I'm sorry."


My guess is she had a fight with current guy or got shot down or found out he's cheating on her, so now she needs to know you'll be there to bow and scrape if she should decide she needs that. Take a pass. And stop dating other girls if you aren't over her already. It's not fair to others to put out you're free and single if you still really aren't and would jump the moment she snaps her fingers.


Plus dating a coworker is just a very bad career move. I've done both--gone back to the dumper six times in a row AND dated coworkers. It didn't end well for me every single time, so I stopped doing that and my love life got better. Try it and you'll see what I mean.

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To be honest it's the first time that she broke up with me but not the first time we broken up. So I really don't know what else she wants from me. It was crystal clear when I told her to never just pop out to my life unless she wants me back , which she agreed actually.


I haven't heard anything from her so far after she texted me. I miss her but I don't crave for a relationship with her anymore.

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