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Why being nerdy is such a turn OFF?


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Well you know that is very interesting because statistically the majority of women in this country are overweight. You would think that you would get more fat women contacting you. Maybe it is just that the number of fat women online is small?


But hey apparently you did something right. Maybe they were less inclined to judge you based on your look. Something worth noting .

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Wouldn't over weight women be a nicer term to use?


Well you know that is very interesting because statistically the majority of women in this country are overweight. You would think that you would get more fat women contacting you. Maybe it is just that the number of fat women online is small?


Very true, and judging someone on their body size, as opposed to say red hair which in most cases they have no control over, especially when most people have atleast some control over their weight is the same as us judging you by your clothes. Seeing as you HAVE control over them. So IMO we should just spit out a heap of contrdicting words and we'll get away with it like you do

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Would you mind to clarify why you say "bad"? I am interested in your morals here

1. True. Of course I was disaapointed - why only fat chicks are willing to communicate? where others? average for example?


imagine: you post a profile and only guys with red hair contacted you. would you like this kinda sitution? Wouldnot you ask yourself where are the others??? Maybe it is somthing wrong with my profile?

To answer your question, actually, no, I wouldn't care. Why would you? I dont think i'd even notice, to tell you the truth.


I don't think you have much right to be picky and choosy about someones weight, because you are doing the same thing to them, as they are to you (but instead with you its about your clothes). It's a vicious circle of prejudice that was need to get out of.

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"moreover I'd rather go out with somebody who got some extra pounds than sombody who is slim. But it is just me."


Just like some people would rather go out with people of certain weight, others would rather go out with someone with stylish clothes. Some people have prefrences on clothes, just like you have preferences on weight. But these preferences arent the main thing we look for, they are just preferences. Usually we will overlook them if we like someones personality.

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Oh god, beware -- i'm PMSing and i've got no chocolate.

Would you mind to clarify why you say "bad"? I am interested in your morals here.

What do you mean!?!? would you like to clarify what you mean by "morals"?!?! Its a WORD mate, a WORD. You want to know what I meant by it? What I meant was, you are just as discriminative as us! You reckon we're horrible for discriminating against you for your clothes, yet you discriminate against people who are overweight.


I didn't like your phrase "really fat chicks" because its so wrong to discriminate against someone because of their weight. Especially people who are fat themselves rejecting a girl because they probably weigh the same as them, then they cant really be choosy, can they?! I was talking to a friend of mine who is overweight, crying to me about normal teenage girl problems, how she wishes she had a boyfriend and all that, but she keeps getting rejected because of her weight. Yeah, THATS why I dont like your "really fat chicks" statement.


I stated the fact and didnt disrespect anyone.

Um, HEL-LO. You just disrespected the people who took the time to look past you and your clothes and actually cared about the person within. They probably had great personalities, too, the kind of girl you want.. and you rejected them because they were overweight.


1. True. Of course I was disaapointed - why only fat chicks are willing to communicate? where others? average for example?

Try reading all the advice people have given you on this board and figure it out. Whats wrong with a fat chick anyway??

imagine: you post a profile and only guys with red hair contacted you. would you like this kinda sitution? Wouldnot you ask yourself where are the others??? Maybe it is somthing wrong with my profile?

To answer your question, actually, no, I wouldn't care. Why would you? I dont think i'd even notice, to tell you the truth.

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Listen, if he does or doesn't it just means he has preferences like everyone else. Some men don't like tall women, some don't like them with short hair... it's not a sin, but it does reminds us that other people are going to look at us from the outside first whether we like it or not because we do it too. So being a nerd could be a turn off to some people just as much as being heavy could.. it's a fact of life and we have to deal with it.


I will say one more thing. If you want to find a girl that is right for you, you should date even girls you would otherwise not consider ( just as women should date men they think they wouldn't) it's just a date.. you aren't keeping the person--because you don't know what your perfect person really looks like .

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Well you know that is very interesting because statistically the majority of women in this country are overweight. You would think that you would get more fat women contacting you. Maybe it is just that the number of fat women online is small?


But hey apparently you did something right. Maybe they were less inclined to judge you based on your look. Something worth noting .


Oh I guess you are being too strict with the definition. If a girl as some extra pound and especiall curvy.. it is an attractive feature (just in my opinion). I referred to really fat, sombody who is shorter than me by about 5-7 inches and has weight twice of mine. I am sure they are not in majority at all.

I dont mind dating overweight girls. The thing is there are just a few of there are out there, and out of them just a few are cute. It boild down to a really minite number of cute overweighted chicks.

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Just so everyone is clear. He did say he went out with some "fat chics" and that it was too bad they were such a small number because that is most of the response he got.



But he was disappointed because they were fat.


Really? maybe you could give me my own quote where i was disappointed cuz of that?


In fact you cant give this quote (i doesnt exist), you just think up whatever you want to, just to show how good you are and how bad I am.

I think you should stop doig this. Stop _thinking up_.

It does not do any good here.

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I used to think that girls always wanted guys to talk about macho stuff and not be into anything nerdy, then I met a couple of guys who were kind of nerdy playing computer games all the time watching LOTRs a million times etc. I found out they had girlfriends, really hot girlfriends! I guess its just about being you and being comfortable with yourself its just most nerds seem to have low confidence.

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My ex was a nerd too and he really liked talking about me in front of his friends who have non nerdy gf's. He's really proud that if we go to the mall and see a computer game store, I would drag him in instead of him dragging me.


As for compiling... usually I end up having to debug my ex' code more often than he debugging mine...


That is pretty awesome...see why cant there be more girls like that around here

Muneca...dreaming about configuring a router...you make me worry

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How surprising, yet exciting. 8)


To those other self-proclaimed nerds:


You have a lot more power than you think. You will most likely get a great job and earn lots of money. You will get to travel anywhere you want. You will get to live anywhere you want. You will get to have any lifestyle you want. In the meantime work on your dating game. Haha.

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My boyfriend is a self-confessed nerd. It's not a problem for me at all (obviously), in fact it's something I really love about him. Smart boys are hot, IMHO.


...After all, not every boy can explain the priciples of quantum physics to you over the phone and have you understand it! (Yes, he really did this.)

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