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My ex is giving me a hard time

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Well, I guess it really could be one of two things 1)He really isn't over you and now that you're with another guy, it's heightening his emotions. 2) He is upset because you have moved on. He's jealous of the other guy and feels insecure and wants to know everything about him. (note: this may not mean that he wants you back, it's more of a territorial thing)


Either way I think you have the right of it. It's probably best for you two to sever contact for the time being. 5 years is a long time to be with someone and then go to just friends in 8 months.


Have your friends politely deter any more questions from his friends regarding your current beau. It's really none of their concern. Hang in there.

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I totally agree with PrincessLinzay. If he is over you, it shouldn't matter if you are with another person. What should really matter is that you are making yourself happy instead of worrying about if someone else is happy (just my opinion). It is not of his (or his friends') business what you do... I mean, if you volunteer the info, that's different.


But yes, I would probably hold off on contact with your ex because it may only get worse, if you know what I mean.


Just be happy... with yourself AND with your new beau!

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Well, here is my 2 cents. I had a girl friend that I broke up with a few years back. I started dating a new girl and moved on pretty fast. I would still talk to my ex ever now and then. But I found out she had a new guy. I did call and ask her about him. I told her I was glad she found a good guy and hope things work out for her. She was a good girl. We had a 2 year relationship before we split. So he may just be curious. Thats all I was. I had no intention on getting back together.


Everyone is different. So that is just my thoughts.

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