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How embarressing!


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Okay I went to karaoke last night, mainly to see the guy I'm infatuated with "T". Well I ended up sitting at the bar, near a nice looking guy who started talking to me. That guy ended up being the older brother of "T"! So "T" says "I see you're flirting with my brother. He's 33, married, with 3 kids" OMG I just started laughing, and said something about how "some of us can't help being naturally flirtatious." Referring to myself and Mr. Flirt himself.


Honestly they don't look anything alike. Both attractive but both so different I never for a minute thought they were related. And I really didn't feel like I was flirting with him, I was just having a conversation. But I guess in manland a conversation means flirting. But I think I responded to his accusation well enough. It did make him smile.


Okay anyone else have and embarressing moment they'd like to share?

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I have a ton of embarrassing moments --- lol. But I'll share my most recent - kinda similar to yours, i guess...


I went to church last week, and I saw the guy I had a few dates with there. We didn't really work out cuz he wasn't ready for a relationship... excuses excuses. I knew there was a chance he would be there, but I still wanted to go, so I figured, get there late, sit in the back, leave early - then i won't have to face him. That blew up in my face - at first I thought - oh good hes not here, all good. sat in the back. then, towards the end, he saw me (I guess he got there later than I did) and I saw him, and then I couldn't leave early. I tried to make it outta there without running into him, but as I was leaving - he met me in the back and I was like "Hi" and he was like "Hi, nice to see you", and the only thing I could think of to say was "this is weird". Then i had to meet his mom and all. I felt so stupid about it.

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ahaha! I would've looked him in the eye, with a bored look on my face, and said 'Thanks for the stats. I'm 30, single, and not interested," before getting up and leaving.


I hate feeling inferior in any way, so I would basically just try to reverse the situation so that he looks like an idiot. As a college debator, this isn't usually too difficult for me, as i'm used to getting accusations and making them sound worse. =) But I've had some embarrassing situations, detailed in another post below this one if you want a read. It's long enough to be partly entertaining =)

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