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3 weeks for ~3 month relationship

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here's this link removed if you want some background...


I wanted to keep talking to this girl after our breakup because she's fun to talk to. At first I just wanted her to change her mind, but I also wanted to respect her decision for ending the relationship...so I didn't call or do much for the first couple weeks, I did send an email asking her to go to dinner with me to talk about stuff (because it was too hard to call...I did call once but she was @ work) but she didn't respond.


We got along great all the way til the end, even our last conversation we had went well...until I was actually the one who told her I wanted to talk to her in person (because I had felt like she wanted out for a little while), but then she ended the relationship over the phone.

After about 2 weeks I had accepted the idea of us not being together anymore, but I decided to just wait a little longer to be sure I could handle it.


So tomorrow will be 3 weeks, and I figure it's a good time to call...I'm sure she'd be okay, I doubt there's any way I could have meant as much to her as she did me, and since I'm okay now, I really don't see a problem...but I dunno if it would be weird or not.

Just so you know where I stand emotionally, I'd take her back in a second if she wanted...I don't forsee that feeling changing any time soon though. But also, if she never wanted me back, I'd be totally fine being friends with her (I think).


So I guess my question is just...should I call tomorrow? should I wait awhile longer? or some other option?


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