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How to connect with your man in a deeper level during sex


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I would some more information about what you mean by a deeper connection. Men, typically gain a closer connection via sex. Is he done quickly? Does he not kiss you? What are you looking to get from him?


I think longer foreplay would do the trick? yea, we do kiss. but not those that are really intense ones.

It is my bf who complains that he doesn't feel connected. Its probably the close feeling. Our foreplays are not that long.


Any suggestion?

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he does not connect


This isn't your problem; it's his.


Wanna know your thoughts and opinions on how to create a deeper level of emotional connection during sex.


I wouldn't.


And sorry but you need to have more self-worth/pride/outrage/something. If someone said this to me, there's no way I'd be trying to forge a 'deeper connection' with them.

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