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Love Bitterness

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I don't know if I've just been thinking irrationally since my boyfriend broke up with me or what's up, but I am very bitter about the whole love thing. I put all of my heart and soul into something that completely failed and burned me. I don't want to give my heart to someone ever again, I only want to hang out and be friends with guys, I don't think the effort is worth the pain, and quite honestly, I don't care if I ever get married. I don't care that I'm broken up anymore, I'm over him. I only find guys attractive and sweet, but as far as relationships go, I want anything to do with them. So...

Is this normal after a pretty rough breakup? I used to love love!

And will this bitterness go away?

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I feel/felt exactly how you described in your post. But that's the gamble that you take when looking for love. It's not all roses and candy. It's hard work!


Love is just one part of the equation. There's commitment and shared goals and of course many other qualities that go into the formula for a life long partner.


I too have been burned...bad! And for an entire year, I've felt intense bitterness, serious depleted lack of hope and faith in love. But I think that I am slowly crawling out of that deep pit of darkness.


It's a constant struggle to find inner peace, but once you have it, continue to fight for it because it will keep you sane. Otherwise, I believe that it can kill the spirit inside you.


Don't let one negative experience ruin your outlook. Your hope is still there, it just needs some TLC. Sometimes to signal the end of one relationship is to start a new one?

Take Care.

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'Tis better to have loved and lost

Than never to have loved at all.

Alfred Lord Tennyson, In Memoriam, 1850, line 27, stanza 4

English poet (1809 - 1892)


Much of life has pain in it - loss of love, loss of loved ones. It is part of life, but not the only part. As a result of this you will emerge a stronger person, especially once the pain has ebbed and finally gone away.


When you do find someone to spend the rest of your life with, this experience can make it stronger because of lessons learned - or weaker because they were not.


You can choose whether this can make you stronger and more wise or whether you allow it to make you bitter and resentful.


That is your choice - choose wisely!!

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I agree with previous posters. Pain is part of life. You can't truly love someone without feeling the pain at one point or another. Even if you've found your true love, you'll experience pain when your partner passes and vice versa. It's unavoidable. At least you recognize your bitterness...some people refuse to even realize it. You'll get over the bitterness with time. Someone else will come along that will make you view love in a totally different aspect. Keep your chin up!

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ask most ppl what it feels like after they've been broken up for awhile and have passed the depressed stage...it's bitter.This is completely normal and I think most everybody experiences this kind of bitterness. Love just doesn't seem worth it, hey? Besides that, the opposite sex seems somewhat evil...believe me, i've gone thru this, had to break a few hearts before I felt I could trust a man again. It gets better though. It's just a phase. Then someonday you'll fall in love, you'll have no choice, adn you'll forget all of this. Good luck.

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