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He is saying to go further?


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So my boyfriend of 1 year (but we've known each other for much longer, also we are both 16) were at a hockey game and we had a blanket on us. Normally we'll rub each other's legs or stomachs for comfort and bonding but it put my hands in his pants for the first time. I didn't go in his underwear and I could feel his hip bones so that's about where I was at. When I asked him if where I was at was okay he said "anywhere around there is good". I was wondering how you guys would interpret this? We haven't done much more than make out with our shirts off (I would have my bra on) but actual genital touching would be such a huge step. Also, if he did mean to go further, what would I even do?

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For one, you don't go any further than that, under a blanket at a game...


The rest is for private times & places.


"When I asked him if where I was at was okay he said "anywhere around there is good". I was wondering how you guys would interpret this? "

- This means where your hand is, is fine.


"Also, if he did mean to go further, what would I even do?"

- I don't see this mentioned anywhere here.


No reason to rush.. take your time.. let him also give some moves. And if/when you do go all the way.. pls make sure you act responsibly.

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