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My ex-boyfriend hurt me in more ways than one. The day that I broke up with him, I didn't shed a tear, I really wasn't upset. That was 3 weeks ago. And for some reason it's hitting me now. He was my first true love. We dated for 2 years, but within the 2 years, we had more bad times than good. He was extremely verbally abusive and a severe esteem attacker. But now, I find myself upset, feeling that I will never find anyone better. I don't want him back. He hurt me to many times, but I still have that feeling of emptiness. He didn't waste anytime, he's slept with more girls to count since we've broke up. I want to get on with my life but how can I get over this person? How can I wake up and realize that I'm a better person than that and I CAN do better??

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there really isn't any way for you to just wake up and forget about him, or get over him any time soon. I've actually been in the same situation. And i know this may sound so bad, but it took me a year to finally date again. And I still have feelings for him. It all has to do with how you think, and what you do now. You have to get out, and hang with friends that make you feel good. Try to plan things that will keep you busy, so you won't have the chance to ponder on him. There are a ton of guys for you out there, more guys than you can imagine. And most of them know how to treat a girl, and will build up your self esteem, instead of bringing it down. Just believe me, all guys aren't like that. And no one deserves to be treated like that. Just give it time, and try to concentrate on the more positive things in life that you can enjoy, like friends and family.

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  • 4 years later...

Realizing your worth is a life-long process. I am still working on it. All I can tell you is that it is ESSENTIAL to know when in a relationship. I didn't realize my worth in previous relationships & have been verbally & emotionally abused as well as neglected on the opposite of the spectrum. You need to have high expectations for yourself & actually FEEL that you deserve it. If you don't grasp your worth, you will be repeating problems in other relationships & repeating the smae mistakes over & over again. I would suggest working on it with a therapist- really helps. Good luck to you & be proud of yourself you have taken the first step to respect yourself.

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