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hi...advice needed....or maybe a little motivation

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any advice is welcome...


my boyfriend and i met all the way back in november over the internet. that night we talked for hours and hours, all night. we ended up exchanging phone numbers and the next day ended up talking on the phone for hours...lol...we have everything in common its crazy, and we only lived a few hours a day. before we even met we decided that we wanted to try being in a relationship. i know that sounds a little weird, but we did. and it worked out pretty good, we met up with eachother finally new years eve, and it was the greatest. we had/have even more fun together in person. since then we've visited eachother lots of times, so far we've seen eachother every other weekend. really the only problem that i have right now is that we haven't gotten to talk that much in the last couple of days, and we usually text eachother all day long, but he hasn't sent a message in a few days. he calls me still, but only for a few minutes. but this weekend, i was just there, and he told me that he was falling in love with me right now. i know i'm probably sounding just a little crazy and paranoid just becuz we've hardly gotten to talk since i left, but i'm just scared. i'm never met anybody like him before, and i've never felt the way that i do for anybody before. i really really like this guy. he's just so perfect. i've never been with anybody for over a few months and this is about the time where things start going sour for me. somebody tell me to stop being so paranoid....or that i'm right for being paranoid and maybe something is going on...or somebody please tell me something?


sorry for rambling...thanks for any adviec that i get.



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You say he told you this weekend he was falling in love with you... I think he is just a little scared feeling so much for someone (maybe he never has before) and so he is just backing off a bit so he doesnt scare you...


Maybe you didnt give him a good reaction when he told you that, so he might also feel a little silly for telling you that so soon.


I think you will be fine.. just dont start hounding him abotu why he isnt calling you as much.

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thanks so much for the replies....


i really think that i am being paranoid, but i just really don't want to lose him. it has happened before, where the person that i was seeing stopped calling me as much and we didn't see eachother that much...and it turned out that he was seeing somebody else...i know that steve is not the same as this last guy, in so many ways steve is different, and i don't really think that he would do anything like that. but then again, at the time, i didn't think that the other guy would do anything like that either. i guess i'm just trying to be cautious, but its killing me that i'm so worried abut him not calling or not talking as much. he's called me the last 2 nights, but its been about 11 at night. he said he had to work late and he's sorry. he said he's probably going to be working late tonight too. i do trust him, but theres just a little part in the back of my mind thats saying "what if something's going on?" or "what if he's just not interested anymore?"...its just the worst feeling and i don't know. but i don't think that i really have anything to worry about, its just that feeling is there, and i don't want to let myself get hurt again, you know?...


thanks again for the advice...



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he said.. he's falling in love with you.. he didn't say he fell already..

means he is still in the process and just backing off a bit to figure out his real feelings or the steps he should do to prove his feelings to you..

it would be better to give him time..

learn to control that strong emotion you're having right now.. it might just lead you to doinghtings that would make him back off totally.. which i know you'd never wanns happen...

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