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Confused about new friend


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I befriended a friend of a friend I'll call him J. I knew J from my bro T from last year. I didn't really get to know J that much. Since the start of this new semester, I've been slowly getting to know J a bit since we live in the same apartment complex. We hit off last weekend when we chilled, and he introduced me to his friends. We got along alright and partied on Friday and Saturday. Though, I feel somewhat confused about my new friend J.




He feels quiet sometimes when we talk alone. And I try to give him the chance to talk in the conversation, that is good etiquette but he doesn't too much except just say "Yeah..." or maybe comment a bit on something I say. I get a slight quiet vibe from him, whenever we chill alone a certain times of the time. We do plan things to do. Maybe he's quiet alone when he's not with his other friends, maybe that's his own personality or something. I assumed, maybe I did something to tick him or something. However, if I did, he would've told me already.

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I thought he was ticked off based on body language; I had the impression that I annoyed him. I had a slight vibe. I know that's bs because, if I did something to do so, he would've told me, I'm sure. I haven't. I think he's just quiet, when he's one-on-one with someone and not chilling with more people. I've theorized that actually.

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