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I have massive anxiety and I'm having trouble moving on

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The one person I cared about most in this world cheated on me and left me for another guy. They both betrayed me. Idk what's head or tails anymore. Right or wrong. My confidence, self esteem, self respect and security have all be destroyed. Its been almost 4 months since it all went to hEll and I still relive the pain every once on a while. Idk why this is talking me so long to move on. They both go to the same university. Any words of advice or more information please let me know.

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Dude I am so sorry. Unfortuneatly there is nothing you can do. Ive totally been there. I hope he was honest with you and told you. How much do you love this person? This is hard because love is a selfless thing if he met someone and he is really happy then thats what you should want for him. You have lived many years without this person and have been just fine youll go many more and maybe meet someone who you like more. Youll be ok. I know he probly feels like an as well but im sure he wants the same for you. Sometimes they come back. But most of the time they dont. Love yourself!

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