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Friend is showing mixed signs toward me please help


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Hi school started again and i am seeing my friend again. on the first day of school i saw him and he did talk to me but not very much. then later on i saw him ,and asked if i could sit with him at lunch and he says you can say hi too me. then later on last block we walked to the next class together and that went well ,then after school ended we walked to the bus together. the yesterday went he talked to me and stuff. then today went okay. in the morning i went to see him and he says hi quietly. he was with his other friend. i had the feeling he was trying to avoid me or mad at me. then when we were by ourselves i said your are my friend and then he said it to me too but quietly.then before we said goodbye i tired giving him a hug but he would not give me one. then later on at lunch i went over and i asked if he could sit with him and he yeah but quietly. then later i saw him and i walked to the bus with me. and then i asked if we could text and he says maybe. we are both males

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Based on what he told you in your last thread, he doesn't want to be friends. He agrees to being "friendly", polite and all towards you, but doesn't want to build a friendship.


I know you mentioned you have autism, are you working with someone or do you have a counsellor at your school you can talk you? You're over stepping his boundaries....I think it would be best to find other friends.

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