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Workplace issues and drama


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Ok so my job is not of much significance its basically something any idiot could do and I am not of any value to the company. As long as a body is there to perform the job thats all that matters. So with that said, when I applied for the job 6 months ago it was for a part time position. Since then I have typically been scheduled on average 34-41 hours a week, it always varies.


So last week I talked to my boss about my school semester starting and I will not be able to work more than 4 days a week and I even asked if going down to 3, keeping me at 24 hours, would be okay. He said yes and that he can work with whatever I need.


Well the next weeks schedule comes out and I have 41 hours. Why does he tell me he can work with my schedule and then he doesn't? So I talk to him about it again and say that obviously I will work what I am scheduled for this week but after that it really needs to be cut back because I have to study.


So now, next weeks schedule came out and he cut me back to 30hrs BUT only have 1 day off because he gave me these short shifts. I feel like its just a game to him or something! I just feel like he's jerking me around. Don't tell me you can work with me and then not do it.


Then we have these idiots who literally call in sick at least once a week. Its past the point of insanity but "the union just makes it too hard to fire people". But nobody gets written up or anything and they think they can just call in or leave during lunch and not come back because there are NO consequences. And then they call me almost EVERY day I am off at 6am leaving voicemails asking me to come in because the regulars called in sick again. What do they think, that I am just going to work every single day of my life??


I am beginning to hate it there.

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If I were you, I would:


A. Start looking for a new job.

B. Write out a schedule of the days and times you can work, and hand it to your boss and tell him, "This is what I can work. Sorry for the miscommunication, but I'm not able to work any days other than this due to school."

C. Keep in mind that requests to work on your days off are just that: requests. You are not obligated to come in and work on days that you are not scheduled. Once you turn them down a few times, the requests should dwindle. If you have issues saying no to people, that's something you should work on. Especially since this is a dead-end job and school is much more important. Set firm boundaries and stick to them.

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