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Is this normal?


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My friends do this alot. When we have something planned out to do, on the day of they will tell me they can't do it anymore, or worse... Sometimes they won't even show up. This has happened to me all through out the summer(no lie) I am not a bad friend... They just do this. Is this normal for people you're friends with to do?

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If they treat you this way, they are not true friends. They are totally fake and are takers. You need to find someone else to hang with. Someone who has the same interests as you. Someone where you both have many things in common, Never give up. If you find one true friend in a lifetime, consider yourself fortunate. These are acquaintances not friends.

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Just wanted to throw this in there so you know you're not alone.


It seems like EVERYONE that's high school aged up to about 27-30 are this way now days. They don't commit to anything incase something better comes up. Or they'll commit to something saying "I'll text you later to get details" and you never hear from them.


And most of the time if they do actually show up, they spend 80% of the time or more on their phones.


Sometimes I wish I had been born in the 70s. I don't like where society is now, or where it's headed.


Sorry I can't give you advice, just letting you know I'm right there with you.

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