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Bad Haircut


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I don't know if this is the right section to put this in... But here it goes. I needed to get my hair trimmed up, I try to go atleast every 2 months. Earlier today, I went to a place called Sports Clips. As soon as I walked in a guy who cuts hair there told me to come over. I sat in the chair, and he asked me how I want my hair. I told him I only want it trimmed and I put a finger in the back of my hair on how much I want off. I don't like short hair or long hair, so I usually keep mine medium length. He told me "ok gotcha." He wasn't really paying attention, so before he cut it too short I said "That looks good to me, we can stop there." But he said "Don't worry I know what you want." He started cutting it shorter and shorter. I told him again "You can stop there." He said "Let me cut it a little more shorter." When we were finished we walked back over towards the cash register. I told him "This is not how I wanted my hair, I even showed you how much of it I wanted off. It is too short." He said "Sorry." I said back "Can I please get a refund?" He said "Nope, but you'll still have to pay." So I did but walked out right after. My hair is also uneven all over. Is there anything I could have done? How do you deal with a bad haircut?

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You could call the place & tell them it is uneven & request someone else to fix it at no charge. As for it being too short, the only thing you can do is wait for it to grow out & find a different hair stylist. Once you find one you like, keep going to that person.

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Wow what a horrible experience. I saw this happen (once) when I was working at a place in the mall several years ago. The girl who was getting her hair 'trimmed' literally told the girl cutting it she wanted her layers 'to here'. So the girl cutting it,jumped in and cut all the layers 'to there'! Without asking any more questions ! Ugh. I was so mad because the mom was so angry she didn't tip any of us. You see, we were all cutting one of her daughters hair ! She ended up also getting four cuts for free . So that screwed us all too. All because the stylist and the customer did not know how to communicate to each other.


LOL. Anyways, I can suggest that you make the best of a really crummy situation and since you didn't get this cut for free, go back and ask !!!! Also, tell them you cant style it, and ask for some free lessons on what you can do now. They may even throw in some styling products

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You can not expect a refund, because you hired them to do a job and the job was completed. You certainly could have talked to a supervisor or manager to see what they could do to make it right. The fact that you were unhappy about the haircut is unfortunate but mostly subjective. You did owe them the money when you were at the cash register if that was your specific question.

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You can not expect a refund, because you hired them to do a job and the job was completed. You certainly could have talked to a supervisor or manager to see what they could do to make it right. The fact that you were unhappy about the haircut is unfortunate but mostly subjective. You did owe them the money when you were at the cash register if that was your specific question.

It is absolutely not subjective and absolutely you can ask for a refund.


Speak to the manager and get someone to fix your hair for FREE.

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Getting your hair cut as a man sucks...


1) you barely understand the language

2) you know what you want, but don't know how to describe it

3) you really don't care as long as it doesn't look terrible

4) you kinda trust the person as a professional to do something that works


Here's a good tip... Don't go anywhere that seems... Silly... (ie. "sport" in the name should be a blinking red flag)


Get your hair cut a few days before you need to go anywhere... It almost always looks better after it grows out....


Find a casual place where you feel relaxed, rather than another seat in the chair...


In my experience it takes a few tries to get it right, but once you find one it's worthwhile...


I once grew my hair 4ft long because I hated getting haircuts... To this day I refuse to let my girlfriend touch it because I finally found a guy I like...

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You can not expect a refund, because you hired them to do a job and the job was completed. .


Nope, it wasn't and he absolutely can.


OP, you should have asked to see a manager. As it is, monday morning ring them up, or go in and ask to speak with the manager about it. The stylist had a lot of nerve telling you what he did.


Or does he own the place? In that case make sure all your friends know that he messed you up.

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the only way to deal with it is to find a good professional.


Understand that 90% of people who cut hair are not doing a good job. yes. 90%. And by going randomly to random people you are inviting these people to mess up with you. There is no way to teach them to do a good job. It is impossible. They are just NOT good.


Find a person whose hair is done well. Ask this person where she goes and ask for the reference. This is The Only way. I tried expensive salons, experiences artists....it was all crap. As I said - 90% are not good. Me and my hair has been abused until I finally asked a person whose hair I liked where does she go. And she told me to whom to go. Since then I feel safe and taken care of. She understands what I want, has a taste, she knows what to do and she listens.


One time I went just for a wash and blow dry and she was not working and I had been assigned to a man. I told him - I need a wash, blow dry. I part my hair on this side. I want my hair straight with the flip on the ends. No product in my hair. he said "gotcha". I highlighted NO PRODUCT AT ALL after shampooing. Needless to say that after shampooing he sprayed my hair all over with the product, saying "I know, you said no product, this is why I am spraying with the light product" I told him when I said NO PRODUCT I meant NO PRODUCT. he started whining do I want to start all over. Needless to say that he washed my hair in cold water. I hated every second of all this. I would have been able to do MUCH better job. So I learned this lesson again - never ever go to a random person because likelihood that you will be damaged is high.


Simply because majority of people are not good at their jobs.

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