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I don't know who you are.. But I'm new to this and I need a talk.. I've recently gone through a Bad break up.. To be honest I don't want to live anymore. I cry myself to sleep every night. I mean who wouldn't she was my fiancé.. We was together for 3 years and I proposed July.. She has a son not by me who I have grown to love. I practically raised him since he was 5 months old and which he is now 3.. Each day I find out something new and the lies she has bared on me. I want a happy family which I thought I had.. But there's this agonizing pain constantly running through my heart, I haven't ate in 4 days, haven't slept in 3 days. Only thing running in my mind is suicide.. I'd be better off dead to the world.. No one knows I feel this way about suicide, I love the lil boy we have like he's my own. I was even on planning on adopting him, I still continue to see him even though we're broken up. Who knows he may be better off without me.. It's crazy how love makes you do stupid things. I can barley feel my heartbeat, which is understandable since my heart has been shattered and broke. No band-aid or talk can fix this.. Tears of blood fall from my heart from where it's been stabbed so many times.. Tears on my face are past due, has anyone made their way through..

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You don't want to kill yourself, you just want the pain to stop. That's completely normal.


Force yourself to eat. Even if it tastes like ashes, you have to do it.


If you can't shake the suicidal thoughts, call a hotline or a therapist.


Don't give her the power to ruin your life.

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#1, never EVER make any big life changing decisions in the time of great happiness or depression.


#2, This break up is as big of a deal or as small of a deal as you make it. You are clearly making it a big deal.


#3, it's over, don't dwell on it or even think about it. Best thing you can do is completely cut off all contact with anyhting associated with her.


#4, you stated she was no good, you should be happy it's over. Why continue the lies and be hurt even more down the road.


chill out and relax, everything will be fine. In time you will get over her and find a better/healthier person to be with.


Meanwhile, STOP THINKING ABOUT HER and go out and do some physical activity on daily basis.


It's going to take time for you to heal, but you will be just fine in the end. One day you will pull up your post and laugh at yourself......


good luck

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You don't want to kill yourself, you just want the pain to stop. That's completely normal.


Force yourself to eat. Even if it tastes like ashes, you have to do it.


If you can't shake the suicidal thoughts, call a hotline or a therapist.


Don't give her the power to ruin your life.


Thank you.. I have no one to talk to but thanks

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Your brain is tricking you. Scientist have found that break up often causes your brain to associate it similarly to actual pain.


Give it some time, it will be ok. Meanwhile, accept that your ex was no good and never EVER look back. This is important.


Don't think of it as a great ending, think of it as a great new beginning.


Your perspective, point of view, attitude, optimism and outlook REALLY matter at this point.

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Your brain is tricking you. Scientist have found that break up often causes your brain to associate it similarly to actual pain.


Give it some time, it will be ok. Meanwhile, accept that your ex was no good and never EVER look back. This is important.


Don't think of it as a great ending, think of it as a great new beginning.


Your perspective, point of view, attitude, optimism and outlook REALLY matter at this point.



Thank you, such kind advice from who it never met before. You help me out even when you don't know me. There should be more people like you all in this world

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It's been 4 months since my ex brokeup with me. I still can feel the pains in my left chest and it remains there eating away my soul everyday.

You're not alone. We are all here for you to talk to.


As I'm writing this reply I'm missing him like crazy.

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Thank you.. I have no one to talk to but thanks


Jace, you do have us. Anonymous, but still real people with real life experiences. I'm sure most people going thru a bad breakup (which ones are good?) had momentary thoughts of suicide, in some shape or form. Your mind is your worst enemy. Do not dwell on thee thoughts. Go out and hit the gym or go for a walk instead. Change your environment, read a book, do something different(ly). Stick around the board and read some inspiring stories. You will be okay. Just believe.

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