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Body Language?

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Hmmmm, that's a good question. Lol. Sometimes I don't even know what it is I do.


Well, I suppose to start, women are generally much more attentive when we're interested. We'll remember things you've said, even might mention it in a future conversation.


Also, (and I think this is true for both sexes) mimicry is one of the highest forms of flattery, and also conveys interest. If someone starts picking up your mannerisms, little things you do or say in conversation, this can be a serious indication that someone is interested.


Im big on eye contact, so when Im interested in someone, I look directly at them when they're talking (not in a creepy stare kind of way). The same can be true to pick up on the nonverbal cues that someone isn't interested. If they are purposefully looking away from you, they may just be trying show without words that they aren't interested.


Smiling a lot, or nervous laughter can be another cue. If a girl smiles at you and gives you that "come hither" glance, you can be pretty sure she's interested. On the other hand, if she sees you looking and looks away right away, (and doesn't look again) it could be to discourage you.


Those are just a few things I could think of, I'm sure some of the other ladies will have some more.

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What you said linzay is true... When a girl who "isnt" interested in a guy and purposefully looks away from a guy, may do it to draw attention to herself. There are a number of reasons. Understanding a girls body language is best done by trying to visualise yourself in her position, and try to feel how you might react if you were in her position.

There is this girl at school i am friends with and like. Im not sure whether she likes me in the same way... I have caught her looking in my direction, sometimes we both smile at eachother... other times she looks away. This confuses me more than anything and suggests that she doesnt want to get into a relationship. I could be wrong.. I'd quite like it if i was wrong

Girls who seem to look at you in an interesting way one day, then the next day dont acknowledge you... then the day after, start to look at you interestingly again, could mean either: She is trying to draw attention to herself... She is trying to get you to initiate the first move... or she is not "entirely" sure whether she likes you.

If a girl is trying to tell you that she is interested in you, she will make sure that you catch her smiling at you. If you hesitate or look away, then she will move on... Its a confidence test.

Moving from a friendship position into a relationship position is a trickey and risky step. It is a good idea to learn about girls act around guys... if they are interested.

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