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omg....I messed up


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I was fooling around with one of the guys from the hockey team. But he lost interest or something and refuses to call me, but that's ok because I never wanted anything serious. The problem is, one of his teammates tried to hook up with me last night. He was really persuasive and at the end of the night I ended up kinda fooling around with him. My concience got the better of me and I tried to stop....but he wouldn't let me, so I faked passing out. So yeah....I look like an idiot to this guy and a team passaround to the rest of the guys because I know the first guy and the second guy are going to talk and it makes me kind of nervous because I'm not that way at all and I don't want that reputation. Anyway.....what should I do to remedy this? is there a remedy? I see the entire team on a weekly basis.

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You pretended to pass out because you were fooling with this guy but wanted to stop but he didn't want to?Hmm stay away from him because if he kept trying to push you that is no good,Dont worry about what anyone thinks as long as you know that you are not like that dont worry about what others think of you.

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You need to take control of yourself and the situation. You pretended to pass out but still let him go throught with it? I sure you know that was wrong. If you didn't want him to go through with it you should do whatever it takes to get him to stop. It's better to be a tease than consider yourself as promiscuos. Just make it clear that you know you messed up and will not syand for it anymore. There's not much you can do now, what's done and said has already happened. You need to go on with your life and learn from this and be more careful.


Is there a real reason why you have to see the team all the time? If not then just cut all contact with them as a whole because now everyone is going try to get a piece of you since they think you're easy prey.

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Well you did what you did and you can't take it back now. Just learn from your mistake.


Like the others said, stay away from those guys. Who cares what they say? They are jerks anyway. They don't seem like guys you should want to hang around anyway.


If they do talk about you, it will pass soon enough if you just ignore it.

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well if u dont want that reputation u have complete control...Let these guys know that was a vonerbility call from u and it wont happened again lol...Tell them its not EVVVa eva eva gonne happened again! It'll make them feel like they were used and u will come out Look innocent..believe me


You have more power in this situation than them...They will drop it


You arn't the only girl who has done this kind of thing...Your probley some what curious...Justs play it cool

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