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Would this be a smart thing to do?


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Ok so theres this girl I met on the fourth, and since then we've had a thing. For a short description of the situation between her and I, please read my last thread I posted on Monday I believe.




Anyways, yesterday her and I hung out again with a bunch of people. Went swimming, played softball (shes a college softball pitcher, and Im a college baseball catcher), got dinner, and after we went to a bonfire.


So, I've been noticing she doesn't show feelings towards me in public. I feel as if I do not get the respect from her like a girl does towards a guy usually when they have feelings for each other. I feel as she talks to me as another friend and I am not quite sure how I feel about it. It sends me mixed signals. For an example, when we went to Canada last weekend she like wouldn't walk with me and wouldn't like really socialize with me until she had drinks in her. Last night she didn't sit by me at the bonfire. Its a bunch of small things like that. It seems that she only shows real feelings towards me when she gets drinks in her. But again, if you look at my last thread she said she likes me and I was the first guy shes went on a legit date with and was nervous for it.


So what do you guys think? Is she just nervous when she's with me? If so then why does she talk to me like just another person? Is she kindly trying to show signs of pushing away from me?


Tonight we are hanging out and I am thinking about talking to her 1 on 1 and asking her these three questions.

1. do you like me?

2. do u want to be the #1 girl in my life (i dont know if shed take that the wrong way)

3. ask her why she is so distant when she is with me and other people?


Tell me what you think about the whole situation and my questions. I like this girl but getting mixed vibes up the behind.



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So, I've been noticing she doesn't show feelings towards me in public. I feel as if I do not get the respect from her like a girl does towards a guy usually when they have feelings for each other.


^^^ Huh?? How has she not respected you? It sounds like you guys are just pretty inexperienced with relationships and she isn't sure what she wants and/or is shy. You've already asked if she liked you and she said yes. Don't ask if she wants to be your #1 girl, thats weird. It means you've either got multiple other girls, or you're asking her to be girlfriend. As per the advice you got on your other thread, you guys haven't been dating for very long and it would probably be best at this point to just take things casually. You might ask why she is distant with you around other people, if you think she is. Although you do have to remember that she doesn't really know you very well, and she may just not feel the inclination to be all close and lovey-dovey with someone she doesn't yet know very well.

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