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Something unpredictable, yet in the end is right.

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There is always that friend of the opposite sex in one time or another that you fall for.


Most people fall for that friend, and never make the move, because they are afraid of losing the person.


"Friends are better then nothing!!" Right?




Or so I though....


I have known this chick, lets call her Z, for 2 years now. First year, I was completely infatuated with her. I could not keep my mind off her. She had no sexual interest in me, and only saw me as a "friend". But, she was a real friend. She was there for me when I needed it, and I for her. We always had lots of fun together, and would spend alot of time together during school.


I got fed up with my miserable life and decided to change it. I evolved from being a scrawny dork scared of talking to girls to being a fun-loving social animal. This evolution took about 8 months.


As my life gained momentum, I slowly got over her. I met plenty of other girls, got dates. I even got laid a few times.


By this time, it is already october, and this girl is now my best friend. We have even more fun hanging out together.


By late november, I feel something again. It is the feeling of the old me. I was falling for this girl again. I really wanted a relationship with her, but was scared of losing her as a friend in the end of it all. But hell. I took my chances.


I invited her over to watch movie, and I kissed her. For some reason, I felt so relieved. After 2 years, I finally get her.


"With great power, comes great responsibility"


Our relationship was great for 2 months. Until yesterday.


I will not say the reason of why we broke up.


But I lost her. Not only a girlfriend, but a wonderful friend.


Thats it.


I tend to forget past girlfriends. But this one.. I really dont want to forget. She played a major part of making me who I am today... also, she plaed a huge role in motivating me to evolve myself. Yes.


I took a risk. I knew that if I try to reach for something greater, I might fall and have to face the consequences.


I do not regret breaking up. In fact, it is kind of liberating to be free from her. To have her out of my life.


My lessons are learned. I shall not allow myself to become "down" or "depressed" because of this. This is not the end, but rather a new beginning. I simply stumbled. I must get back on my feet and keep going. Life shall go on.


As the song goes..


"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your life"


Good luck to all of you,



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I can totally agree with you, because I have done the same thing in the past and thought the same things. Was it the biggest mistake ever, or was it worth the risk? In one case it was a huge mistake, but the other was not. Each gave me the opportunity to learn and I think that it's helped me to this day.

The other side of it is you can really find out how good your "friendship" is. In my mind that says a lot more about the actual depth of your friendship.

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The other side of it is you can really find out how good your "friendship" is. In my mind that says a lot more about the actual depth of your friendship.




However, the thing that made us break up is.. complicated. Very.


For the two months we were together, it was not worth the 2 years of friendship.


But still, no regrets.

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That really is unfortunate. I want to thank you for posting this it really shed some light on something I went through.


well I guess you got something out of it but ultimately you didn't get what you wanted. from my experience with this I figure that she is responsible for making you into a better person.

reminds me of a chorus from a song:

"And that's why

If you're looking at me

I'll try

To be what you want to see

And if I

If I'm ever that lucky

You won't have to be so

You won't have to be so sad"


it's o.k. though just keep your head up and i'm sure you already know there are plenty other great people out there.



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