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Bad problem.. my son is 6 and..

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I think I read earilier that your son had a 4 inch penis. About him pulling his pants down, I was thinking he may have heard some of his friends talking about that, been then I read that he was 6 and that they probably don't talk about that yet. I don't know where he'd think of it. maybe he stayed up late one night and watched some porn on TV . But that might be giving a 6 year old to much credit. maybe he walked in on u and your spose having sex? I hope u find help soon, good luck

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I know this sounds really perverted, but maybe he's watched you since then. you know, kinda like spying. woa even to me that sounds perverted, but that might be it. or maybe he's very curious and wants to know what girls think about a penis

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Don't feel bad. If anything, it's probably not "what he's seen or heard" but what he HASN'T "heard or seen"


I got my first sex talk when I was around 7. Didn't go into 'all' the specifics, just to cut and dry part. A guy does this, and this leads to this, and that's how a woman has a baby...


You need to just have a good talk with him. Don't attack what he did, he only did it cause he doesn't know any better. Answer his questions, and tell him why he shouldn't do that, etc...


I mean, if no one ever told you not to do that, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea in theory does it?


Well, I'm not an expert, so get a second opinion, but I think that he just needs a sex talk...



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