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globus sensation?

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I'm not sure if what I've been experiencing since late April of this year has been a globus sensation w/ anxiety or GERD or what. I know that this is a general forum and everyone here is not DO, MDs, PAs; I just want opinions from people on what it could be.


But here is the background what I've been experiencing.


I'm 23

Hispanic male


115-120lb range

Meds/supplements: 5-htp(100-150mg), melatoin, creatine(5g), and a dissolve multivitamin tab

I smoke occasional marijuana but I haven't since June 13. I haven't drank since May 28.


Since late April, I've delt with "weird" swallowing sensations:

1. Food "inhaled" to the back of nose/throat area(late April-mid May; luckily for me, this went away)

2. "Effort" to "push slightly" a swallow certain solid foods

3. Pop/click feeling when swallowing

4. Random "spasm" feeling

5. A little increase in salvia

6. I do have braces, maybe this could be a factor, but the "food" moves slightly in my mouth somewhat. I know solid foods(e.g. meats) stick to my front teeth with the braces.

7. Slight "tightness" feelinlg on throat/adam's apple at times.

8. Burps


Maybe related med issue: palpitations w/ anxiety I dealt with for near the end of the Spring. I saw a cardio doc and he gave me a stress/echo test and it showed tachy but it was normal mostly. Prior to buying 5-HTP, I did get random palpitations starting up while eating(lunch and dinner) and 1-3 of those symptoms I described above appeared connected.



Last month, I went to my ENT doc and he ran the scope from my nose to throat and he gave the prognosis of slight GERD. His scope showed some redness near my vocal cords. He gave me a Rx for Prilosec. I tried the Prilosec but it felt "worse" a bit.


I then had the connection that maybe anxiety was causing the issues, and I began to look for supplements. I bought 5-htp and noticed some 20-40% improvement in my "throat issues".

So far out of the 8 symptoms I described I don't have #1, #7 that much. The 5-htp appears to trim the issues by 30-50% of the remaining symptoms. Though, I'm unsure I'm unsure if I have a globus sensation with anxiety or globus+anxiety+gerd. It appears that my "swallow" issues appear more to flare up at lunch/dinner for the majority of time, when I eat certain solid meats. I can eat, but its just the "effort" slightly to get certain solid foods down. It's safe to assume, that I don't have throat/larnx cancers, because if it were the case, my doc would've saw something funky last month on the scope.


Maybe I do have globus/anxiety because this Spring, I did have random palpitations flare up, when I was eating at my college's dining hall but I had no swallow problems as I recall. The "swallow problems" occurred approx the week of April 28.

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I have similar symptoms & have a hiatus hernia in my stomach. Certain foods get stuck in my throat & I have bad gastric reflux sometimes.

This was diagnosed with a camera down my nose & a monitor attached for 24 hours, then going into hospital to have a camera put down there under anaesthetic.

I suggest you see a different Dr to send you for further tests.

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