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Advice for working in a bar?

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Need some temporary work while I decide what on earth I'm going to do with my life, and one of the local hotels needs bar workers.


Don't have any experience in drink service or waitressing so I'm nervous in applying. I do have customer service/retail experience though. I got good feedback from those jobs when I left but I remember being a wreck when I first started and just know I'll go through that again!


So any tips/pointers? Did you get appropriate training or had to wing it? What did a typical shift consist of (setting up and closing down etc)



...definitely over thinking this lol

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Advice from SO who is a bartender:


#1: Know where everything is, keep your bar stocked, and if you're not sure what exactly is in a drink then don't be afraid to ask.


You'll learn the various drinks as you make them; if you can try to taste them too to help commit them to memory instead of just learning the names.


If they have certification for alcohol awareness... take an online training course. It will help with knowing alcohol percentages etc.


Hope this helps!

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