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I have this friend, we'll call her G. She and I first became friends when I asksed her out one night to get something to eat. (the first time we ever talked she said 'i'll never date anyone again until i get over my last boyriend'...i don't know how the convo got to that point).

Anyway, we went to eat and she started talking about her Ex who she was 'still in love with' and all that. As a friend, i listened. But i know you're not supposed to talk about your ex's to someone you like.

But we would hang out and talk every day during and outside of work. And we slept together a couple of times. And this one guy at work told me that she gave me a look, when we talked, like she liked me more than just friends.

Since then, she and I kinda decided that we shouldn't hang out together by ourselves anymore because she felt bad for sleeping with me because we were 'just friends'. She also 'supposily' realized that she and her Ex would never get back together and she's over the whole situation.

Well, tonight she called and i went over there and watched some movies 'nothing happened'. and then she called after i left like normal to see if i got home and asked me who i had the best sex with. then some how our convo got to us finding someone to date and all that.


She also complains that i never call her, gets mad when i don't answer the phone, and sometimes when i'm already out when she wants to hang out. Stuff that a g/f would be like.

Just out of sheer curiosity: does it seem as though she likes me more than just as friends but is scared to say anything about it because of the whole deal with her ex?



i can give more details if anyone needs them...but i do need some advice on this matter. any, even a few words of advice would help.

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I think it is really hard to tell. You right that she is acting like more than a friend. But at the same time, when you have a "buddy" sometimes they act like that even if they don't really want anything else. Sometimes, just because there is emotion invlolved (from the sex) people act different. But I think since she is the one that has put the barrior (sp?) up (her ex) so that ya'll can't be more than friends, you should wait for her to take it down before you persue anything other than the buddy/friendship with her.

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